Transforming Beans into Soldiers

The defensive power of the light shroud that enveloped the coffee table was not weak, being able to withstand an intermediate stage ancient martial art practitioner for fifteen minutes. However, it could not block the power of a later stage Golden Elixir realm ancient martial art practitioner.

After the light shroud shattered, Mo Wen rolled his sleeve up. The mace immediately flew backward, straight into the hand of Chen Wuhui who was standing to the side.

A low-level spiritual weapon was useless for Mo Wen. But for Intentionless Sect, it was of great significance. Mo Wen had very generously given the spiritual weapon to Chen Wuhui. After all, the more powerful Intentionless Sect, the more beneficial it was for him.

"Many thanks, little friend Mo Wen." Chen Wuhui concealed the spiritual weapon in his sleeve. He respectfully saluted Mo Wen with his fists, a look of gratitude in his eyes.