Will Not Compromise

Bu Zhangkun ignored Jiang Pingzhou and Jiang Jingtao's suggestions. Instead, he looked at Mo Wen."Mo Wen, you are Yin Banshuang's friend. I have no intention of making an enemy of you. As long as you give Five Beasts Sect one of the treasures on the stone pillar, I will not make things difficult for you. I can even help to block some of the problems posed by those who want to make things difficult for you."

Bu Zhangkun did not wish to offend the youth too much. He would be happy just to get something from Mo Wen.

Talking about Mo Wen's relationship with Yin Banshuang was just an excuse. Before the interests of the sect, personal relationships were insignificant. However, he was still worried about Mo Wen. The youth was powerful. They might not be able to keep him here even if the few of them joined forces. Furthermore, he still did not know if the youth had any mysterious background.