Thousand Mile Talisman

Mo Wen did not understand why the Purple Bottle Gourd was also behaving so oddly. The gourd was a very strange item and seemed to be able to make its own decisions. Profound level weapons were not alive. It was impossible for them to have their own consciousness. What was up with the Purple Bottle Gourd?

Mo Wen held the gourd in his hands and looked at it carefully. He did not notice anything different about it. On the surface, it appeared to be nothing more than an ordinary gourd-shaped spiritual weapon. However, its earlier behavior could not be described as ordinary.

Earlier, Mo Wen had vaguely sensed that the Purple Bottle Gourd had a layer of life. However, he dared not be sure about it. Now that he was looking at it, it seemed likely that he had guessed correctly. This gourd was alive. Could it be a special monstrous beast?