The Mysterious Tower

Huatian Palace hosted each Martial Arts Circle Convention in the main space. In order to encourage warriors to enter, Huatian Palace would give out large amounts of prizes. These prizes would often pique the interest of sects in the inner worlds.

The prizes given out by Huatian Palace had grown bigger and bigger in recent years. The competition between the sects of the inner worlds had become fiercer and fiercer.

The elders of Golden Dragon Sect were aware that Jin Ying's links to the sect were not common knowledge. They were not afraid of any comeback if she was sent to the main space to attend the convention.

Mo Wen's body floated down like a feather. He landed on a lake in which the water was very clear. The bottom of the lake was clearly visible and there were no signs of life in the water. It was very quiet, just like the ancient city in front of them.