Brilliant Galaxy

After Mo Wen awakened, the faint white light quietly receded, then completely disappeared.

He got up from the ground and glanced around at his surroundings. He discovered that all around him was lake water. Aside from him, there were no other human ancient martial art practitioners on the entire Lotus Lake.

The architecture of the lotus pavilion was traditionally simple. There was a square table inside made from white jade. It was warm to the touch, with a soft shimmer. On the table, a painting scroll was placed. Aside from that, there was almost nothing else.

Mo Wen walked up to the square table and unrolled the painting scroll. It was an ink painting. On it was a drawing of mountains and rivers. The mountain towered into the clouds, reaching up to the heavens. It was as though it was a stone pillar holding up the sky. It stood magnificently as it pierced through the clouds, its top hidden by them.