Healing Light

Mo Wen had been experiencing misgivings about the difficulty of unsealing cultivation. He now realized that doing so would be even harder than he had imagined. Unsealing just a little of his cultivation had been a real challenge. Exactly how many more illusionary beasts would the Martial Arts Grandmasters need to kill in order to unseal all their cultivation?

The three-day time limit was rather tight. Mo Wen was worried that there would not be enough time for the Martial Arts Grandmasters strong practitioners to completely unseal their cultivation. With the Martial Arts Grandmasters unable to fight at full strength, the ancient martial arts practitioners would most likely be dead meat if they encountered the Fire Domain Seven Major Beast Kings.

Mo Wen glanced around. He could not stay here for long. He identified an easier escape route and, with a spring, launched himself into the air. He flew towards his destination like a streak of lightning.