Tailing Behind

The Cries of Hades Bell was a profound level weapon. Normally, Mo Wen couldn't unleash its might, but in this space he could. The might of a profound level weapon was rather frightening.

The aura of the Cries of Hades Bell had just appeared when the Erupting Inferno Lion immediately shivered in fear, stiffening as it pounced towards Mo Wen.


A ring gently sounded. This time, Mo Wen did not just simply activate the Cries of Hades Bell again. Instead, he combined it with his terrifying soul power and unleashed a soul attack with the Divine Soul Trillion Layers in unison.

A formless wave instantly covered an area a thousand meters in radius. In the area that it covered, all the monstrous beasts froze where they were. Then, like fireworks, they exploded one by one, becoming specks of starlight. The starlight swarmed towards Mo Wen.