Primordial Soul Separation Technique

Glimmering starlight shone directly onto Mo Wen's body. Soon after, his body split into two, then four. Slowly, more and more Mo Wens appeared on the nebula.

In the blink of an eye, there were more than a thousand of him. Each and every one of them was extremely lifelike, such that one could not tell the real and fake ones apart. 

A voice rang out in Mo Wen's head. The Primordial Soul Separation Technique! The mysteries of the Primordial Soul Separation Technique made their way into Mo Wen's mind. 

A feeling of shock rose within him. The Primordial Soul Separation Technique was a great magical power, even in the world of Immortal Cultivators, and only the most capable Immortal Cultivators on the Road to Heaven would have grasped it.

It was widely known that a single person could only focus on one thing at a time. It was unheard of for anyone to split their attention into two, much less split it multiple times.