The Black and White Dragon Egg

Next to Mo Wen's leg was a large, pure white egg of light. On the egg of light, beautiful ancient runes flickered. These runes appeared and disappeared from time to time. They were visible for one second and invisible the next. They were exceptionally mysterious. Beams of starlight surged into the egg of light, causing some starlight to be added to its surface. It seemed as though the vast and beautiful starry sky was imprinted on it.

Two Divine Dragons, one black and one white, constantly moved about on the egg of light. They subtly emanated a remarkable power.

The exquisite Purple Bottle Gourd sat on Mo Wen's head. It released beams of purple light which fused with the surrounding starlight. The beams of light became a bridge, connecting the egg of light and Mo Wen.

Endless starlight kept surging into the cocoon of light. Time seemed to have stopped. He did not know how much time had passed. It was seemingly a lot and yet seemingly only an instant.