Uniting The Green Ancient Mystery Dimension

In the center square, ancient martial art practitioners were dumbfounded as they stared at the people kneeling on the ground. The scene was rather grand. A large number of people were now kneeling down, and they were people who had a high status in the Green Ancient Mystery Dimension. They were all members of the Purple Qi Pavilion and the Five Beasts Sect, the two highest-ranked sects in the Green Ancient Mystery Dimension. Even a normal disciple from one of those sects had a higher status than an elder from a small sect.

For most ancient martial art practitioners in the Green Ancient Mystery Dimension, such people were not to be provoked. But right now, the ancient martial art practitioners were kneeling down like wheat blown by the wind. In an instant, a large number of them had knelt down.

Even the members of the Purple Qi Pavilion had not expected that the Five Beasts Sect would follow them in kneeling before Mo Wen.