Crushing the Arrogant Youth

"Young man, are you sure you want to die?" 

The old man had not expected Mo Wen to dare to try and stop him. Clearly, the youth did not know his abilities. A frightening aura exuded from his body and the temperature in the office dropped. Then, a terrifying force descended upon everyone in the office.

The faces of Han Jiangong, Shen Jing's adoptive parents, and the other normal people paled. They became so cold that they started to tremble. It felt as though there was a stone pressing on their hearts, and the pressure was so strong that it felt as though they would vomit blood but were unable to at the same time.

All this was happening to them although the old man had concentrated 90 percent of his pressure on Mo Wen. If he had not been, the normal people would not have been able to cope with the pressure of an ancient martial art practitioner of the later stage of the Embryonic Breathing Realm. They would have exploded and died immediately.