
There were stone steps leading up from the gates. The steps led up to a large marble square where there were further several flights of stairs. At the end of the stairs was an enormous palace.

Mo Wen had only just walked into the square when crowds of Crimson Star Sect disciples emerged from the palace and onto the square. They crowded around Mo Wen and surrounded him completely.

"Who dares to make trouble at the Crimson Star Sect? Are you tired of living?" A voice rang out. The wind rustled and a person appeared above the square, suspended in mid-air. The person was a short, thin old man. He was like a monkey and looked furtive. His face was covered with an unshaved beard.

He was the elder from the Crimson Star Sect who was on duty today. He had suddenly received news that someone had barged into the Crimson Star Sect and had rushed over immediately. Someone had dared to barge into the sect! How dare they?