Throwing Herself at Him

The gazes of everyone in the square were focused on the enchanting foreign woman. Once she got up, she immediately drew the attention of everyone.

She held her head high and thrust her chest forward. Her exquisite high heels sounded crisply against the ground. Even when walking, she had a sense of elegance.

Mo Wen wanted to cry out bitterly. This woman was also passionate. She walked in their direction. He did not need to guess to know that she was certainly coming towards them.

Step by step, the enchanting woman walked up to Mo Wen. The eyes entire of the crowd were on Mo Wen and Gong Biluo.

"What's your name?" the beautiful woman asked as she cast a cold glance at Gong Biluo. However, she then ignored Gong Biluo and instead looked at Mo Wen.