Dragon City Free Trade Zone

A day before this, he and Guo Mengqiao had investigated the woman. They even tested her ability from afar. They decided to do nothing after finding out that the extent of Yao Yu's power was unfathomable. That was why no one would engage her in battle after she had been stirring up a commotion in Dragon City for so many days.

"Mo Wen is very young after all. It is inevitable that he is arrogant because he has such a high level of achievement at such a young age. Thankfully, we can still stop him from becoming involved in this matter. Since he is a member of the Martial Arts Grandmaster Palace Hall, we can't sit idly by and do nothing about it. When the time comes, we should try our best to stop him. The ten day promise is just a verbal response," Guo Mengqiao said.