Rot Valley

Mo Wen glanced at Bao Xun, who was enveloped in a layer of green fog. His face was green, a sign of being poisoned. Furthermore, the poison did not seem simple.

"Haha, Bao Xun, you are dying. You never expected this, did you?"

Xu Tu laughed out loud with a pleased expression in his eyes. His nemesis was dying in front of him, how could he not be pleased?

He had always been very conservative in his fights with the White Wolf Triad. He had never once used the Broken Qi bow nor the decaying poison. He was well aware that a man's wealth might be the cause of his downfall. If he was not powerful enough, he would not be able to guard the good stuff and it would lead to his death.

He had always wanted to kill Bao Xun, but never had the chance to. He did not dare to use the Broken Qi bow casually, because once the news spread, he would bring trouble on himself even if he killed Bao Xun.