Lord Merciless

Mo Wen was a miracle physician, so a decaying poison was not a major issue to him.

However, to heal someone, one needed medicine. All the spiritual pills and medicine he had were sealed by Huatian Palace. It was impossible for him to treat and cure Bao Xun immediately.

However, he could seal Bao Xun's acupoints using gold needles and keep him alive before he removed the poison later. Sealing Bao Xun's acupoint just took more time.

"My Lord, you know medicine?"

Bao Xun looked at Mo Wen in astonishment. A scary young man like him knew medicine as well! Furthermore, his skills in medicine were extraordinary. With just a few pokes of the needles, he miraculously sealed all the decaying poison. It no longer showed any signs of spreading.

Next, he had to use his martial arts grandmaster cultivation skills to expel the decaying poison bit by bit. However, to a martial arts grandmaster, it was not very difficult. He just needed to spend a little time.