Eyes Fixated

The moment Mo Wen appeared on the sky square, a graceful silhouette appeared. It was none other than Gu Jingman.

"Gu Jingman."

A look of surprise flashed through Mo Wen's eyes. He had never expected to bump into Gu Jingman here. Moreover, she had even arrived a day earlier than him. The contestants who could appear in this place were all of a certain caliber. From his memory, Gu Jingman had attained the Blood Kindred's Blood God's heritage. However, at that time, she was barely of the Golden Elixir Realm. That had only been a little while ago. Could she have possibly improved so drastically?

Mo Wen was not too familiar with the cultivation methods of the western world. However, the cultivators from the eastern world focused a lot on developing their successors, to ensure continuity in the long run. Hence, most of them would first focus on guiding their successors and only move on to transformative progressions after they had achieved a certain standard.