Possessed by Familiar

The battle in the first challenge ring was reaching its climax. Nobody had expected the unknown youth to have such a terrifying ability. Before this, he had merely been ranked fifth. Right now, he was actually gaining the upper hand in his fight with Dark Hand, who had been in second position.

Water Deity and Wine and Meat Monk were well aware of Dark Hand's might. He was a rather terrifying youth who had mastered the assassination techniques. They had a fifty percent chance of winning if they fought one on one with Dark Hand in the challenge ring. However, if Water Deity and Wine and Meat Monk were unprepared, they would most certainly lose if they encountered an assassination technique. There was even a high possibility of them being killed. Moreover, that was under the circumstances where they were given protective treasures by their sect seniors. If they didn't have any treasures to protect themselves, the danger would be even greater.