The Supreme Giant

Mo Wen had never felt so shocked. The palm was too big, and it moved up into the clouds. It was as if it could gouge a hole in the sky. Mo Wen could not describe exactly how big the hand was. He recalled the story of the great sage equal to heaven, Sun Wukong. The great sage equal to heaven could travel 180 thousand miles with just a tumble. However, it could not tumble out of the palms of Buddha. Perhaps this palm belonged to Buddha.

Mo Wen was greatly shocked. However, it was not over yet. The palm lifted bit by bit and an arm was slowly revealed. Then, the being continued to rise, and a head was revealed… Then, a body was revealed…

Eventually, when the entire being appeared in front of Mo Wen, he felt as if he could not breathe. What exactly was it? It was enormous.