Devilshart's Legacy

Gong Biluo's appearance in the Sacred Heart Lady's primeval space was definitely unexpected. Mo Wen was very confused. How did Gong Biluo get a colored divine stone? And how did she get here? He was certain that only someone with a colored divine stone could enter this place. Furthermore, Gong Biluo was also shining with the nine-colored light. Other than that, ordinary people wishing to enter this place have to go through Huatian Palace. Otherwise, they would not be able to enter even if they had a colored divine stone.

"Who gave you the colored divine stone?" Gong Biluo was confused as well. How did Mo Wen get a colored divine stone? A colored divine stone was a rare commodity. Even some divine souls couldn't get them. So how did Mo Wen get his?

"A friend from Huatian Palace gave it to me," Mo Wen answered with a smile. The Sacred Heart Lady's primeval world was too big. Being able to meet Gong Biluo here was incredibly lucky.

"A friend from Huatian Palace?"