Great Strength Vajrapani Formula

The Yin Yang Heaven and Earth Great Shift!

Gao Hanshan, the clan leader of the Gao clan, and Chen Wuhui, the Sect Leader of the Intentionless Sect, as well as some of those from the Ming Preservation Faction, were so excited they were flushed.

The Yin Yang Heaven and Earth Great Shift was the absolute highest martial art technique in the Ming Cult's lore. Even for them, it was a legend among legends. The cult leaders of the Ming Cult only cultivated the Heaven and Earth Great Shift. As for the Yin Yang Heaven and Earth Great Shift, only one cult leader in all of history had cultivated it. He was the legendary 34th cult leader.

Only when one had cultivated both the Nine Yang Divine Technique and the Nine Yin Divine Technique successfully would one have the right to cultivate the Yin Yang Heaven and Earth Great Shift.