The Fury of Thunder

The first six tests of the Path of Creation tested a practitioner's willpower, state of mind, body, cultivation, soul, and comprehension.

The so-called cultivation was the foundation of energy a cultivator had mastered. The energy did not represent the entirety of one's ability - it wasn't even a large percentage of it - but it was one's foundation.

In the beginning, there was only a void. There was no heaven, no earth, and no self. Everything was without form.

Then, an energy mass appeared in the void. This energy mass gave birth to everything in the universe. Cultivators were people who were at one with nature and held mastery over the heavens and earth. They had even mastered the process of becoming one with the heavens and earth. Therefore, the amount of energy mastered by a cultivator represented their level of unity with the heavens and earth.

If one did not have enough energy, they could not advance into the higher realms.