The Rainbow Glazed Mirror

Mo Wen stood in midair. His hundred-meter-tall figure was like a mountain. Crimson lightning was leaping in his eyes; his savage aura even pierced the clouds.

"Are you the Multicolor Queen?"

Mo Wen took two steps forward and appeared directly in front of the queen's palace. His gigantic figure cast a shadow on the Multicolor Queen. The appearance of the Multicolor Queen was no different from that of normal humans. She was enveloped by a layer of colorful light, causing others to not be able to see her face clearly.

"Human, are you wreaking havoc in Multicolor City for the human female who is standing beside me?" The voice of the Multicolor Queen was charismatic. It sounded both near and distant, hot and cold, gentle and entrancing. Her voice could cause others to feel weak at the knees.