Welcome into the Palace

Imprison him forever? Mo Wen was not foolish. He had already considered this. The Multicolor Queen could not kill him; similarly, she could not imprison him.

Mo Wen's figure suddenly began to grow. Originally, he had been a hundred meters tall, but right now, he was still expanding upwards.

Once one mastered the Celestial Body, the person could enlarge or shrink as they pleased. They could transform to be as gigantic as a mountain, or become as tiny as a speck of dust.

Of course, being able to shrink did not mean that Mo Wen could shrink and escape through the Glazed Xuan Ming Web. A remarkable power like the Glazed Xuan Ming Web was made up of the esoteric rules of the law of heavens and earth. The gaps between the web might be large, but the web would not miss any of its prey. Mo Wen couldn't escape simply by shrinking.

However, Mo Wen could enlarge himself infinitely.