Return to the Main Space

It was difficult for Peng Lai Immortal Realm cultivators to head over to the main space. They had to pass through inspections by various departments of the Huatian Palace. Even for inner circle members of the Huatian Palace, the level of the inspection was not relaxed. Fortunately for Mo Wen, he'd received a personal written introduction from Mo Qingge which directly granted him approval, saving him a lot of trouble.

The Teleportation Main Hall was on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. This place was connected to the other mountain peaks of the Huatian Palace. Prior to this, when he was just starting out as a cultivator, he would almost never be questioned when using the Teleportation Main Hall's teleporting stratagem. However, now he was a Primordial Soul Realm cultivator. Things certainly would not be as easy for him as it had been before. Still, it was all in order to protect the safety and stability of the main space.