The Star Emperor's Palace

The Petrification Cult elder was completely stunned. Just a moment ago, he was domineering and condescending; now, he could not utter a single word.

Pei Fengwu was also stunned. Hadn't Mo Wen just broken through to the Primordial Soul Realm? How was it possible?


The black-robed elder did not dare to say anything anymore. Intending to flee, he promptly leaped down into the abyss. That youth was too frightening. What exactly was his level of cultivation? Even Elder Shao was not so frightening.

"Trying to escape?"

Mo Wen laughed sinisterly. His deified soul expanded outwards. An area with the radius of a few thousand miles was enveloped in his deified soul. The entire fifth level was completely covered. Did a small Primordial Soul Realm cultivator try to escape from him? In his dreams.