Instant Kill

A year ago, when Mo Wen appeared in Li'an City, he was only at the Primordial Soul Realm. He was further from being an opponent for the Blood Evil Temple Temple Leader, Xue Chu. Mo Wen had barely escaped from Xue Chu's grasp. After just one year, had Mo Wen actually trained up to the Tide Changing Realm? It was practically unbelievable. No matter how abnormal of a genius he was, it was impossible for him to be so ridiculously gifted.

The three members of the Petrification Cult had later stage Primordial Soul Realm levels of cultivation. Even compared with the Blood Evil Temple Leader Xue Chu, they would not be very much weaker than him, just slightly weaker than him at most.

In theory, any one of them could handle Mo Wen alone if they encountered him. With all three of them joining forces, they could even easily kill off Mo Wen.