The Gathering Storm

Shao Tianqi was overcome with an impulse to roar up at the skies. Initially, when Mo Wen had barely made it here in time, Shao Tianqi might not have been able to kill both of them. Just now, when Mo Wen had demonstrated his abilities, Shao Tianqi took careful note of it. It was likely that Mo Wen was stronger than he was. He would be the one in danger if Gu Jingman and Mo Wen had joined hands, so he also would have been the one who must escape. It was honestly beyond Shao Tianqi's wildest imagination that Gu Jingman's decision to drag him down with her would have made his dreams come true. He could finally kill Mo Wen.

"Do you know why people call me the butcher? It's because you're the fish!" he thought.

"You got lucky, you scum," Mo Wen chuckled coldly. He looked at Shao Tianqi as if the latter were an idiot.

"Hm, and what about it? I can kill both of you. This will be the greatest thing I've ever accomplished in my life"