Blood-Colored Battle God

Most of the time, the Jade Xiu King and the rest of them did not have much to say to Mo Yuqing because she was simply too haughty. That was just how the Divine Dragon Clan was.

Mo Wen appeared on the city walls that protected the palace and looked at Gu Jingman in the air. He felt rather relieved. No one had expected that the Gu Jingman of the past was able to make it this far. Although he had a part to play in that as well, Gu Jingman's personal luck had been rather crucial too.

Had Gu Jingman not saved the woman from the Blood Clan in Fu Sang country that year, she would probably not be where she was today.

From up in the sky, Gu Jingman's long hair floated and extended all the way below her toes. Her blood-red hair was just like silk—gorgeous and beautiful. As for her eyes, they were much more beautiful than the most precious ruby in the world; her crystalline pupils reflected a blood-colored world in them.