Unmoving Like A Mountain

Purple Sorcerer and Black Sorcerer could not believe it. Someone was actually able to forcefully break through the space created by the Crimson Blood Demonic Flag from the outside. Doing so was far more difficult than breaking it from the inside. The Crimson Blood Demonic Flag was also the lord mayor's treasure. In order to prevent the Huai Clan second young mistress from escaping once again, he had already injected some power into the Crimson Blood Demonic Flag before he bestowed it upon them.

Even if Purple Sorcerer and Black Sorcerer joined forces, it was impossible for them to be able to shatter the barrier created by the Crimson Blood Demonic Flag. Moreover, it had only been a short while since the battle began. The battles just now seemed complicated, but in reality, they were playing out very quickly. An exchange of blows between experts was like sparks flying; victory and defeat were determined in an instant.

"Who are you?"