Huai Hongxiu

The Purple and Black Sorcerers could not cry no matter how much they wanted to. Not only did they not catch the Huai Clan second young mistress, but they had also lost the Muhong City Mayor's Crimson Blood Demonic Flag. Most importantly of all, they had faced the danger of being suspected.

"Lord Mayor, if what the Purple and Black Sorcerers said is true, then the person's power is probably infinitely close to the Supreme Profundity Realm. Perhaps he's already there, but he's intentionally concealing his cultivation. Besides, he's returning with the Huai Clan second young mistress. Do you think that person is reinforcement from Yingyun City?" someone from the Sorcerer Clan said.

The person had the head of an eagle but the body of a human. He was a cultivator with great attainment of the Tide Changing Realm and one of the higher-ups of Muhong City, so he held an important position, one that was far higher than that of the Purple and Black Sorcerers.