The Glory of Star Appears

By killing the mayor of Muhong City, his task would be complete and he would not have to worry about anything after the fact.

Hence, Mo Wen would not easily let the mayor go.

"Mo Wen, are you forcing me to take you down with me?"

The mayor's expression became extremely ugly. He had compromised to such an extent and this youth was actually still unwilling to cooperate. Mo Wen was practically going too far.

The mayor of Muhong City was a Supreme Profundity Realm cultivator. If he fought with no regard for his life, he would most likely be able to kill Mo Wen. This youth was practically foolish. If they were talking about who between the two of them would have the highest chance of being the last man standing, the mayor still felt that his chances were higher. It wasn't just him; most likely everyone on the entire Yingyun Island believed that a Supreme Profundity Realm cultivator had a higher chance of surviving.