Smiling too much is fishy

In the classroom...

We barge in our classroom after having left the gymnasium a few minutes earlier. Its hard to believe that the soft collision of a girl exist in male version. The door suddenly slides and min-tan showed up. He had a bright smile on his face. So bright it might seem fishy.

"What's the matter min-tan? You seemed overjoyed..."

"Me? Overjoyed? No... I'm not! I just feel refreshed. But how about all of you? Is everything alright?"

We all glared at him. There was a firm yet calm knock on the door, before it was opened by a young woman we never saw before. Behind her our new classmates gracefully entered the classroom.

"Good morning, I am Touka Kagami. The new student teacher and the assistant homeroom teacher. Pleased to meet you."

"Good morning, the pleasure is ours."

"As you have heard you have new classmates... Rave if you don't stop playing candy crush its your phone that will be crushed..." Said Min-tan as he was writing on the board with his back turned to them.

"You are no fun Ka-chan, I was about to break my high score! Tou-chan tell him to let me be... "

"Ka-chan?!? Seriously?" exclaimed one of us when we heard Rave complain to the new teacher. One of the new students next to Rave snatched the phone before keeping it in his pocket.

"We apologise on behalf of Rave, Ka-chan. When he's emotional he can't seem to behave properly yet."

All the new students and the new teacher started to laugh. While Min-tan smiled at them with a gentle look on his face.

"Don't you people ever grow up? Noisy brats."

"We love you too Ka-chan" they said in chorus with the exception of Skye. But then they all froze up and once again regrouped in a circle.

"Anyway let begin and you should stop procrastinating..."

"We never procrastinate you know that!" shouted everyone in sync.

Min-tan glared at us but he was unable to stop grinning from ear to ear when looking at them. Something was definitely fishy... He was clearly biased towards them and already treating us poorly! Min-tan how could you turn on us for those annoying flower boys!!

"This is so much like you all... You are hopeless. Well why don't the boys introduce themselves."

"There is no need to do so..."

Suddenly a phone started to ring. Skye rolled his eyes before picking up.

"Yes, already? But homeroom is not even over! Yes, sir. We are on our way."

"We were summoned by the chairman for a council meeting. We are leaving."

With that they left... This is disturbing but well its hard to put to words... What the hell is wrong with them?! Min-tan was still smiling at their direction as they left before turning to us with a spartan look...

"Enough of messing around start distributing these materials and get to work!"

Note to self when Kazuto smiles too much their has to be something fishy going on and we might have to deal with his spartan lessons after his smile is gone.