10 years

In a small village in between two mountains

filled with beasts. there was a river that ran a one mile way from village most of the children played there. there was about 40 trees so the kids could play many games. the biggest tree was in the middle of all the trees. this tree was said to be a few hounded feet.

All the children played. the boys played with wooden swords and screamed like crazy people but they all had huge smiles on their faces. the girls played in the water even though they were more mature than the boys. They too were smiling from ear to ear.

In the huge tree sat a kid different from the other kids. he was not smiling but he wasn't sad he just looked like he didn't have any emotions. this kids name was kizu kuro he was the same age as the rest of the kids but he wasn't loved by the kizu clan even though they promised his parents that they would take care of him they didn't show him love or care but he has not hate for them as they are the only family he has.

ALL the kids were smiling because tomorrow is the day the get to join a sect and they all were well trained and prepared but kizu kuro didn't get any lessons so he was defenseless and most likely won't get picked as a outter pupil. most sects didn't want trash but some wanted quantity over quality and those sects were the lowest of the low and most of them dissappear before they last for 10 years.

after a while the children all started to leave and kizu kuro followed not making eye contact with anyone not because he was not from the family but all the people distanced themselves from him.

"hey did you hear that the top twenty strongest pupils of the kizu clan are coming back to night." said a kid named kizu Ken.

"are you serious? doesn't that mean their will be a party." replied kizu rino.

some other kids joined the conversation and they all got hyped because before the party those 20 pupils would fight to see who's the strongest and the winner got a huge reward.

all the kids all started saying who would win but kizu kuro didn't care so he left without being noticed. as kuro got to the village he went to a small cottage and that's were he has been living all this time. in the cottage there was a bathroom and wooden bed and a beat up blanket. as kizu kuro was entered he saw a face he couldn't remember. it was a handsome young man his name was kizu kun kuro doesn't remember him because kizu kun got sent to a sect at the age of 8 and kuro was just 2 years old he was a genius amongst the kizu clan as he was born with a black blade of level 7 and his training was faster than most kids so when he awakened his soul spirit he was immediately sent away. the kizu clan awakens the children's soul spirits at age eight train them for two years than send them to a sect but kizu kun got to level three of physical body strength in two months so he was sent away once he reached level three. kizu clan didn't awaken kizu kuro's spirit because they didn't want him to gain any power over them. other than kizu kuro the rest if the kizu kids were all quit powerful most of them being level 2 of physical body and even some were level 3.

kizu kun was smiling and he said "hey little kuro how you been?" as kuro stood there kizu kun stood up and put his hand up as he was waiting for kuro to shake his hand.

"oh, how stupid could I be your were merely two years old when I left." he said with the same smile on his face" I'm kizu kun when I was eight I liked playing with you. so have you awakened your soul spirit?"

kuro didn't know what to say so after a few seconds he said" no the village elders wouldn't let me awaken my soul spirit"

kizu kun's smile was no a now a frown but than it went back to a smile" don't worry I already thought something like this would happen and I got already wrote a recommendation letter and I will personally train you." kizu kuro's for the first time ever felt like he meant something to someone.

kizu kun took kizu kuro to the battle arena as they entered everyone looked down on kizu kuro like always but not one dared to speak out loud Toda as he was walking with the strongest of the new generation kizu kun.

"hey kizu kun way are you walking around with that piece of trash are you trying to ruin your name." a guy who was about the same age as kizu kun said. that guy's name was kizu killu in reality he was trash compared to kizu kun but some believed he was stronger than kizu kun.

"kizu killu shut your mouth before I send you to the after life" kizu kun said with a voice that would shake the mountains.

"kizu kun is done for"

" no his not but a golden egg like him shouldn't walk around with a rotten egg like kuro"

a few people said things but most of them were towards kizu kuro and no one but kizu kun defended kizu kuro. as they walked kizu kun went to the fighters room and kizu kuro sat at the very back and people still kept disrespecting him.

as the puplis of different sects fought it came to the 10 ten and kizu kun wasn't even a bit tired. the fights continued and it was the last three kizu kun,kizu killu, and kizu reso. kizu kun and kizu killu were to fight first.

kizu kun being very mad he whipped the floor with kizu killu and kizu reso gave up before they even began.

"all right time to for the top three to get their rewards." kizu kun got 10 high quality pills and a martial arts book this book was the the hidden shadow it if mastered you wouldn't not be spotted by anyone who has a lower cultivation. kizu killu got 5 high quality pills. kizu reso got 20 piecesof gold which wasn't even worth a medium quality pill. as the tournament ended kizu kuro was already gone. kizu kun looked for him but couldn't find him when he was about to go get him some of the kizu clan elders and kids dragged him to the party and to celebrate his victory.

after the party kizu kun left to find kizu kuo in the small cottage sitting by himself. kizu kun is the son of the 3rd uncle so he had a luxurious house buy he chose to stay with kizu kuro.

"why weren't you at the celebration?"

"I'm not allowed part take in those kind of events".

kizu kun was pissed of now and he was determined to get kuro out of this horrible village even though he was part of the clan he was not happy with what they were doing to kizu kuro he carried there name but he was treated like he was nothing but a piece of shit when he has not done anything but follow what he was told to do.

after a while kizu kun and kizu kuro went to sleep but not even sleeping for a few hours kizu kun woke up kizu kuro and told him to pack everything they were gonna leave for the sect.

kizu kun pulled out two stones and told kuro to crush one of them and kizu would crush the other. when they both crushed the stones they appeared in kizu kun's room at the sky and heaven sect.

" ok now rest because Tomorrow you will meet the outter pupil elders and awaken your soul spirit."

"ok" kuro said simple and layed down on the bed but kizu kun didn't go to sleep and left the room.

after falling asleep kuro heard a voice telling him to wake up it wasn't kizu kun's but it was a demonic sounding voice.

as kuro opened his eyes he saw a flaming demons and he got scared there was no were to run.

some of the demons started to laugh but that all stopped when a voice said" stop laughing and tell the poor child what is going on"

a flaming demon walked up to kizu kuro add started speaking" we are demons that got trapped inside of you there is no way to break the seal so we can kill you or we can strength you and teach so what is your choice" the flaming demons said this flaming demon was a tiger there was a loin,a bear,a wolf, a python,a falcon, and many more.

kizu kuro was shocked to what easy happening but he knew what the answer was the second he was asked" please teach me." as he said the demon beasts started to change into half human half beast. the tiger that asked kizu kuro was a female with red hair and fair skin, the bear and lion were males and had darker skins. they and started to dissappear and kizu kuro woke up as if he had a nightmare.

kizu kun was meditating" oh your up get dressed and go wash up okay" kizu kun threw some clothes. kizu kuro and kizu kun left and bunch of people bowed to kizu kun his cloth were different from kizu kuro's which were black and kizu kun's were white. the outter sect puplis wore black and inner sect puplis wore white and core pupils wore gold mixed with black and white.