divine chains

all the elders were looking around and at each other to have spent a 100 soul stones just to have a trash soul spirit awakened they were all furious and they wanted to take kizu kuro's life but what they wanted more was for the patriarch to do it. the patriarch turning around and looked at all they elders with rage showing on their face but his was happy.

"little kizu kuro come with me and dear outter pupil elders prepare some clothes for our new pupil." after that he walked out and all the elders were now confused.

"how can a trash soul spirit be part of this newly made sect is the patriarch trying to ruin it before it even got a name."

many elders were walking out around that time as they were not outter sect elders they would never have to worry about a failure like him or ever see him.

meanwhile in the patriarch meeting room there were to figures sitting face to face. one figure was huge and the other figure was small.

as the room was quite a loud laugh could be heard. the laugh was from the patriarch of th whole sect he wasn't laughing at kizu kuro he was laughing at all the sects that dared bully them when they didn't have a power house but now that they have kizu kuro a world of pain is coming to who ever tried to bully them.

" young kizu kuro you know the colors of the soul spirits right?." asked the patriarch after he got done laughing at what to come.

"yes great elder" kizu kuro answered as no one buy kizu kun had shown any respect to him but now this elder was showing him respect so he dare not be rude.

"well than tell me what the colors are." the patriarch had a huge smile on his face and he was a kind man even though he had a huge evil looking build he was kind a gentle with people.

" ummm. the colors are white,yellow, blue, purple, green,red,black,silver, and gold. white being the weakest while gold being the strongest."

"you ever heard of a color changing soul spirit." the patriarch sounded a little bit more serious in this question as not many people would know how to answer this question.

" yes I have, aren't those chameleons." kuro answered confused by the question as any other would be.

" well don't dwell on it to much" as the elder the elders took out 10 beast spiris from his storage ring."take these and cultivat with them"

"ummm aren't beat spirits only used to make weapons and not for cultivating?" kizu kuro asked even more confused.

"just go to the room you are assigned to and cultivate with them ok." the elder went back to his sincere tone.

"yes sir I will do so"

after a while the patriarch and kizu kuro walked out. an elder was waiting for them with clothes and a Tag. the the clothes were brown and the tag had kizu kuro's room on it.

"here you go." the elder handed kizu kuro the clothes and tag. a girl with purple long hair and fair skin came from behind the elder she wasn't smiling as she heard what his soul spirit was so she had no need to show respect to him even though they were both outter sect puplis she had as blue arrow soul spirit. " this is mi ru she will show you to your room so show some respect to her." the elder said.

"yes sir." kizu kuro said without disrespecting the elder. as he turned to look at the girl she reminded him of su mi maybe it's just a coincidence.

"follow me." she said with a rude tone. immediately kizu kuro walked behind the elder and walked with the girl.

as they were walking many young men and women looked their way but some looked for the beautie of the girl while others looked to see who this new young man was.

they kept walking the room become more and more low quality and less people were there but they kept walking till they were at rooms that were like his old room.

they stopped all of a sudden and the girl pointed at a room that was at the right side and said" that's your room" she didn't even wait for a thanks but just left.

as kizu kuro walked towards his room the room next to it seemed like it had someone in it. kizu kuro didn't want to be rude so he knocked at the door. a few seconds went by but It felt like hours. than the door opened a young man same hight and age as kizu kuro opened the door.

this young man had red hair and a sharp face." who are you and what is your business here." they young man said as people only came here to bully him but kizu kuro wasn't.

kizu kuro being startled he said" hello I'm your new neighbor nice to meet you." the young man face changed and he smiled.

" hello kizu kuro I'm li suzo" he didn't have anyone to talk to ever his soul spirit was awakened. but today he had someone he could talk to.

"nice to meet you li suzo. well I'm go cultivate for a bit and I'll be back here so how about showing me round." kizu kuro said as he waved and walked into his room.

li suzo was so happy that he finally had someone to talk to that wasn't gonna pick on him.

in kizu kuro's room he sat down and took the beast spirit stones and he got into a cultivation position and his mind went blink and he woke up in front of the beast spirits but this time it wasn't a mountain of them it was elven of them but he only recognized one and that was the female tiger.

" didn't think you would come back so quick. well it's time to teach you so stand up."

kizu kuro was scared as the beast were in beats form but the female tiger. he looked at all of them they were high level beast spirits the lowest was a soul master and the highest was the female tiger which was all saint spirit master.

" all of you go into your human form your scaring the kid." as she commanded the spirit they all turned into their human forms. now that they looked less scary kuro calmed down.

"well to day I will be teaching you the tiger claw so be ready cause till you get it to the second level I won't let you out of here understand."

kizu kuro was a little shocked he just started cultivating and this lady tiger wants him to train a skill to level two.

" I will demonstrate this so get ready" the female tiger got into a fighting stance and made her fingers like a claw and she stricked down than a golden Claw came out with the power of a saint spirit it wasn't a surprise to the beast but to kuro it was his first time seeing someone so strong.

"well what are you waiting for get started." kizu kuro did the same thing as the female tiger but failed to even make a claw appear.

"again" th female tiger said and kizu kuro tried over and over till he was able to do have a white claw appear. it felt like he was in this realm for hours but in the real world only 10 minutes passed but.

"that's the way to do it." as the female tiger clapped. suddenly kizu kuro's heart became heavy as no one has ever told him good job on anything he had done. he smiled and went straight back to the stance which shocked the female tiger she was planning on letting him go as he was just a starter but he wanted to keep going so she sat down and watched.

after 10 hours passed in the soul realm one full hour passed in the real world. after a while the white claw had a hint of yellow on it which made the tiger proud but kizu kuro didn't notice so he kept going. finally a full yellow claws was created this was kizu kuro's last he was tired and sweaty. the yellow claw became more clear as he was getting ready to strike downwards. when he striked this clae had the force of a thousand pounds which was the Power of most outter sect puplis.

"congratulations kizu kuro you have passed the first test" the female tiger said but kizu kuro was to tired to celebrate and the tiger lady snapped. kizu kuro opened his eyes his whole body was full of sweat and he was tired so he layed down on the ground and rested for another hour before getting up.

kizu kuro left his room to see li suzo walking around. li suzo looked up at kizu kuro and said" you ready now." kizu kuro nodded yes.

the young men walked out as they walked people looked at them in disgrace. some even dared to point fingers not pointer fingers they were getting flipped of.

as they walked kizu kuro saw the girl that helped him get to his room so he walked over to thank her but before he could touch her someone grabbed his hand and threw him aside.

"who do you think you are to touch the young lady." said a kid that was more built than kizu kuro but this kid was a yellow soul spirit so he was more respected than kizu kuro so no one would help kizu kuro. kizu kuro seeing that he wasn't allowed to talk to the girl he walked away.

"you dare ignore me xin lu you white soul spirit trash." xin lu said as he jumped into their and screamed" yellow ape fist" every soul spirit has a move specific to the it.

kizu kuro seeing he was in danger he dodged but was hit. blood bursted out of his mouth but he got back up as he was determined to never get bullied" you've made a mistake" as he said he got into the tiger stance and his hands became yellow Claws. everyone at that moment were shocked at what they were seeing.

" yellow tiger claw" kizu kuro yelled as the yellow claw stricked down at xin lu the second the claw landed xin lu was shot back and he was so bloody no one could tell who he was unless they were there.

"li suzo let's go" kizu kuro called for suzo and Walked away with minor damage. people already were looking at him different.

kizu kuro and li suzo came up on the sects martial arts book place. it wasn't as big as the most sects but it had many Martial arts books. they both went in.

"hello young gentle men." the elder here was more powerful than the sect patriarch and he had the golden eyes soul spirit so he saw the True potential of these young men .

"hello elder." try both replied.

" you two come with me I will take you to the place were you can get skills that you can train." when they heard what the elder said they thought the would be taken to the white soul martial arts but when. they walked past the blue soul martial arts level they were shocked as they came up on the black soul spirit martial arts.

"you with the red hair take this skill and train it till perfection." the skilli suzo received was black wind which was a speed and attack skill and since he had a wing spirit it was more helpful. "thank you elder ming ze" said li suzo.

"and now for you." come with me they went in deeper but didn't pass the black soul martial arts. elder ming ze stopped and grabbed and martail arts book that said shadow grabe. it was skill that stole martail arts skills and let them be trained to the same level as the the shadow grabe as quick as it was stolen.

"now you to must not show these skills to anyone and let me tell you about your souls spirits." they both were shocked as neither of them summed their soul spirits.

"you with the red hair has the angle wings which is why they confused you to be a white soul spirit when it's a devin gold spirit soul so don't let anyone look down on you. your soul spirit has to special skills one being able to give you wings like every soul spirit that has to do with wings but your second special is Devin wing feathers. you can shot endless amount of hard nbreakable spirit feathers." li suzo never thought the failure of his family would have angle wings the were a legend in his family.

"and now for you." the elder said as he turned to look at kizu kuro. " you have the most powerful soul spirit the soul chain prison it might start of as a white soul spirit BBC UT it can be trained to past a gold soul spirit into a Devin golden which only appear in one in a million. to have you na your friend be devin level soul spirit our sect has struck a gold. your two special skills are devin prison which you can capture beast spirits in and devin chain which levels up with your devin soul spirit it let's you control and summon any amount of chains you want until you run out of energy. I also have this other book for you." the elder grabbed another black martial arts book that said energy drain

"the skill will let you drain energy from your enmeys if you can stop them from moving which is where your devin chain comes in. also don't try to capture anyone that's two levels higher than you or you will fail. so use these skills wisely."

the elder took them out and no one was there to notice so they both walked out with powerful Martail arts books.

as they both walked home the news of kizu kuro defeating xin lu has spread like wild fire. now people started to keep their mouths shut.

back at the library of martial arts books the elder was sitting and the patriarch appeared" I see you met our only hopes."

"yes I have, they seemed like kind gentle men."

"have you told him about being able to capture even human soul spirits and making it his own"

"no I didn't think his ready for that"

" ok well thanks for protecting this small sects till we find more prodigies."

"your welcome I am your Father after all"

the patriarch bowed down and dissappeared.

kizu kuro and li suzo walked into their rooms and started to cultivate their new skills.

" I see your back for more training" the female tiger said and kizu kuro nodded yes.

"well I'll teach you a defensive skill as it appears you need it and also next time you fight warn me so I can give you some of my power that you can handle."