
"Perfect! My name's Amos Ackner, a member of the Ethereal Blade Guild." Amos smiled broadly in elation. His withered aura and dim light in his eyes seemed to regain some of its youthful exuberance.

"Guild?" Yan Zaizen silently questioned. He had heard of clans, families, sects, but he has never heard of a guild. What was that? Not only that, the name Amos Ackner was odd in and of itself. The person before him was obviously human, he was even a Lycah like himself, but his name completely upended the 27th Heaven standard.

In the 27th Heaven, a person's name is defined by three sections: Clan Name(Yan), Personal Name(Zai), and Family Name(Zen). The only exception was the removal of a clan name or family name if they had none. It's even possible to have no family or clan name. Tao perfectly embodied this example, having been adopted and later disowned by his clan and family.