Inspecting Ezekiel's situation, Yan Zaizen's brows furrowed, a calculating shine erupted from his eyes. The dim light within his Ezekiel's eyes contained a trace of the soul. No, it would be incorrect to say a 'trace' but more like it contained a small amount of the quintessential essence of spirituality. This essence was boundless, insidious, and mind-shaking.
The chains were different. It was comprised of an energy he had met once before. "In the Asura Phantom Realm, my soul was snared and constricted by energy similar...but far weaker." Yan Zaizen recalled the moment he faced death, his body dying, and his soul trapped and diminishing. His soul trembled slightly, but quickly settled into a calm.
The memory was too haunting to dwell on.
"Infernal...?" As he continued to think, Ezekiel's soul form was being strangled as the chains seemed to tighten. They were currently embedded into his soul form, causing his soul energy to dissipate.