
Lin Feilin's current state was very fragile. She was searching her everything for a path that belonged to her, that drove her everything. Yan Zaizen could feel the nascent Dao energy linger around her. It reminded him of his own Nascent Dao state.

"The Dao will be what starts your path to…" he couldn't finish, unsure of his next words. It was an elusive emotion that settled in his heart yet couldn't be touched. What was at the end of the Dao? 

What was at the end of cultivation? After he reached a state of a true sovereign, would he be complete? This thought left a chasm of uncertainty in his heart. After several minutes, he silently sighed. With a flash, he retracted his Heavenly Dao Seed aura and Dao light, exiting the room and leaving Lin Feilin to search for her own light.