The Mysterious Young

Liu Yang was still trying to find the key, but without success, because whenever he felt something, soon began to dig, but what appeared was always refining stones and instead in some strange stone he did not know, only asking the instructor or miss to know about these stones.

"Now it's only an hour to go, I think it's time for a desperate attempt in times of despair." Looking at the map, Liu Yang noted that there are two places where there have been more accidents in the last centuries of exploration.

"Let's try our luck." Thinking about it, he picks up a bronze coin and throws it up.

"If it looks head at it, I'll go to the first path, if I get the tails I'll go to the second one."

Ting ...

Looking at the coin, it was found that the crown fell.

"Tails ... I think I'll go to the first path since I got to this place in the same way before, we'll try to see if luck comes again."

Running for almost 40 minutes, Liu Yang arrives at the place full of sweat and breathless, with no time to catch his breath, he begins to run randomly through the dangerous place trying to find something. But the Goddess of Luck was not by her side, he found only two crystals of rank D and only two minutes to the end.

"Damn, I have not found it yet."

In the middle of despair came a light, he can feel a nearby stone, running there, Liu Yang began to dig. Then he sees a silver light coming out of the hole.

"It cannot be..."

Trying to get the mysterious item emitting silver light as fast as possible, he saw the following information.

Chaos Stone

Description: A stone forged by the concentration of powerful energies, like battle sites or concentration of precious stones of refining.

Effect: Adds chaos power to the weapon or armor.

Requirement: Requires level 8 item to equip the stone, at the time of enchanting the item there is a chance of losing the stone if it fails.

Weight: 5 grams

"You can only be kidding me ... It was not the key, but a very rare stone ... Wait a minute ... level 8 equipment?!?! This is..."

After being disappointed with the item, light came on at the end of the tunnel, Liu Yang knew that the equipment was rated level 1 through level 10, a level 8 equipment, was a rare and powerful equipment that most players did not would have, even in the human kingdom, and probably in the other three kingdoms as well, there were few players would have equipments of this level, even so long after the creation of the game.

"It's not a bad finding, but still, it's not the item I'm looking for..."

Whoosh ...

In the midst of his thought, a strong wind blew suddenly.

"Wind?!?! It can not be ... Ahhh... "

Screaming for being blown suddenly, seconds later, Liu Yang realized he was already in front of the door at the entrance.

"I think it's pushing me out of here ..."

Placing the stone tablet in place, the barrier opens and the door slowly opens.

Outside, a crowd was waiting anxiously for the opening of the place, many people came in advance to get a good place to enter, among them some notable figures of the human realm such as: Members of the Windy Federation, Sword City Lords, Masters of the University City, blacksmiths and merchants of Lands of Fire.

In this game, NPCs to protect themselves from invasions, be the monsters, other races or internal wars, they need to prepare for it, so the great landlords invest in weapons and soldiers, and recruit adventurers for service.

Some renowned players of the human race may also be spot on as NewAge's Vice Leader and Strategist, BreakTimes, he was a tall, haired old man with tall, white hair, a little thin, but by his eyes he could see the experience he had, wearing a set of cloth clothes, showed an aura of seniority, his class was Dark Priest, a class that had the power of black magic, this class could not help the allies much with healing and buffs, nor having a high damage, but it was the nightmare for the enemies, with high spells of negative effects in area, he manages to weaken a crowd quickly with his plagues, he was surrounded by a large group of armored warriors with great shields, magicians and priests.

Another player that could be seen was Arrow, a member of the Merchants' Alliance, he is the son of one of the alliance magnates, he was a six-foot-tall young man who appeared to be about 25 to 30 with short hair, thin, eyes sharp and looked heroic with his blue armor full of adornments, as his name did he was an archer, like the previous one, he was also surrounded by his guards.

But the people who overshadowed these two great figures were her, the daughter of one of the rulers of the human race, Tears on Sky, a young woman of medium height, appeared to be about 18 to 27 years old, light brown that descended to her waist, her face was thin and showed purity of youth, carrying a book in the hands, her class was pyromantic, the masters of fire spells, as the class, her temper was equal, hot and explosive , she is also surrounded by guards.

Like these three, there were several great figures renowned of the human race and others who were not so well known, but could be left out. That is, most of all if not all the great powers of the human kingdom are in the Firelands for the next few months.


With the sound of the wind, the door was beginning to open, this attracted the attention of all, so began a great tumult and various types of conversations arose.

"The door is opening !!!"

"It's not possible!!"

"What is going on?"

"Will the event start sooner than expected?!?!"

"Open the way, they are the guards of the lord of the city!!!! "

When someone shouted these words, the crowd began to separate to give room for the guards to pass, after all, no one wanted to create confusion in this place.

The guards did not approach the door, they were twenty yards from it, and no one dared stand in their way, as the door opened, a figure could be seen walking slowly until they reached the guards.

"Young employee, my name is Charles, one of the city's army commanders, the city lord is waiting for you, she sent us to escort you back to the mansion."

After introducing himself the soldier gestures for Liu Yang to accompany him. He follows Commander Charles under the frenzied look of the crowd.

(It seems like this crowd is here for the event in a few days. Now that they've seen me, I'll have a huge headache.) Liu Yang knew he was in trouble this time.

As he thought to himself, the crowd went into an uproar.

"What is happening?!!?"

"How did someone get in early?!?!"

"Is it possible that there is some hidden quest that can give access to the place ahead of time?!?!"

These were the main thoughts of everyone on the scene, some with looks of curiosity, but most had only one look, greed, one greedy look as they looked at Liu Yang as if it were some pot of gold.

Some tried to make gestures to make him go to them, others began to shout at him, some just took a look.

While walking, he made eye contact with some of the great powers like BreakTimes, Arrow, Sky Tears and others, but no one had the guts to approach him because of city guards. Then suddenly someone screamed.

"Boss is it !!! It's that boy !! "

With the crowd shouting and turning to see who the author was, seeing that it was the man who had tried to stop Liu Yang before and was stopped by instructor Norman.

Coming close to the guards, the stout man and a few more players appeared at his side.

"Chief, you see that boy being escorted by guards? It was his fault those events two months ago, we were almost banished from the city because of him. He must have gotten some special quest to get the Lord's protection from the city and get on the mountain before the event. "

Hearing the words of the stout man the crowd managed to confirm part of their thoughts, now only one is missing: "How to get the quest that gives access to the mountain".

The stares that once stood on the stout man turned to Liu Yang.

Everyone here wanted to know how he got on the mountain before the event started.

The stout man tried to move forward but was stopped by someone at his side, he was his boss. Looking at the figure, Liu Yang saw that he was tall and strong with tanned skin, eyes full of arrogance. Neither made a gesture, each one just looking at the other and each one went his way.

As the guards and Liu Yang stepped out of sight of the crowd, several conversations began to emerge.

"Who was that young man ?!"

"Was he of some great power or just a random player?!?!"

Some began sending private messages to its leaders about the events of now little, from today, the nickname "Mysterious young" began to arise, since it was not possible to see the name of the player until he speaks and the others listen.

Arriving at the mansion and saying goodbye to the guards, Liu Yang went to Miss Veola's room.

"Good afternoon Miss."

"It's good that you came back. Let's skip the crap and let's get down to business, what kind of stone have you found in the last two months? "

Asking this, Liu Yang began to remove all kinds of stone from the backpack and placed it on the table, the table was all colored, of course, he did not remove all the stones, some rarer and some common he kept for himself.

Looking at the quantity, Miss Veola cannot fail to be surprised. Turning her eye over the rocks she managed to notice some weird ones.

Beginning to separate the crystals the lady counted a total: 239 rank D, 91 rank C, 30 rank B, and 2 rank A.

She was surprised that he, got two A rank, but soon after calmed down, as she realized that he did not deliver all the crystals obtained, but she did not care.

"Looking at this amount of crystal, I think your harvest was quite generous. What will you want in return, equipment or money? "

"Halfway through, the items I like and that can be exchanged, what's left over can be in the money."

"It's all right. Calculating the points you earned a total of 2529 points. You're probably in doubt as to how I calculated these points. "

Without waiting for Liu Yang to react and respond, Miss Veola continued.

"Each stone of a rank has a total of different points, rank D = 1 point, rank C = 10, rank B = 30 and rank A = 100. The rarer the stone, the more points can be obtained. The points were given by the rarity of stones, those of level D are the most common to be found, while those of level A are the rarest.

"I understood, but what can be changed with these current points?"

Miss Veola smiled and made a small wave with her hand and a large book that was floating appeared, on the cover was written "Catalog of Items".