Sudden Visit

"I thank your majesty for the gift" Liu Yang bowed before the king and queen.

"Human, that reward is very little for the help you have done to the kingdom. Now, on to the main topic. My dear daughter, what is happening to the kingdom, do you know anything? "

Before the princess could answer, someone else responded.

"Hahaha!!!!" A hideous and terrifying voice echoed in the throne room.

The weather started to cool. A dark shadow appeared in the middle of the room and its people appeared. A skeleton with a black cloak and a player also wearing a black cloak that covers her body, next to her was a giant snake.

"Hahaha!!! Ladies and gentlemen, it is very good to see you. Princesses, it looks like you two survived your challenges. Interesting… Human, you are an interesting person. You messed up my plans in the human kingdom, now, you are messing up my plans in the white elf kingdom too." The skeleton spoke casually, but his tone was menacing.