Princess, I summon you!!!!

Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!!

Millions of lights flashed in the sky before millions of explosions were heard. Spells and abilities were used before it hit targets.

"Attack with maximum power!!!!!"

"Don't hold back !!!!!"

"Use everything !!!!"

"Release everything in the creatures !!!!!"

"Move faster !!!!!"

"Don't stand still !!!!!"

"Why do these screams make it look very weird ???"

Screams echoed across the battlefield, screams of motivation. Although it sounds a little strange and ambiguous for the occasion.

Some have even stopped attacking because of the shame caused by ambiguous words, especially women. But in the end, everyone calmed down and attacked again with full force.

Among millions of players, Liu Yang was just pacing back and forth while ordering souls to attack the nearest creatures.