The Battle of God (2)

Screams of shock and surprise echoed across the battlefield and into the city. The appearance of yet another Tier God being was an insane thing to happen.

Nobody was prepared for this kind of insane situation.

"Princess, disturbing me won't be that easy" The True was mounted on top of his giant skeleton dragon.

The skeleton was a hundred meters high and two hundred long. Two blue lights were in the eye socket, while inside there was a large white light that runs through the entire skeleton as a protective layer.

"Roar !!!!!!!!!!!!!" The skeleton's roar seemed to be that of a real dragon when it was still alive.

"The True, you overestimate me too. Defeating me is not as easy as it sounds, you are not the only one with a contract beast. My companion, appear !!! " Princess Lyna screamed before making some seals.

The seals became a type of lock that was opened.

Booooom !!!!!!!!!