The Competent Hubby's Survival Tutorials

After walking a few steps while admiring the beautiful lush greenery, her smartphone buzzed.

Hana smacked her own head for forgetting that Arash must be really worried about her and retreated back into the cave while sighing. Although she really wanted to look around first, she can't let her hubby worried for nothing.

She returned to the marked spot, sat down, and swiped open her trusty smartphone to check for messages. After a few minutes, messages continuously came in. Her face was illuminated with the soft light from her smartphone. She didn't dare to switch on the torchlight function for prolonged period lest it will eat up too much battery.

While waiting for the messages, she went to her sorted food stash and get herself two bananas, one pack of tausa biscuit and a bottle of water. She was super starved. After all its already 3.00 pm and she still didn't have her lunch. She only had a small bowl of oat cereal that morning.

While munching on the food, she started reading up the messages;


These guides I made for you ayang;

1. How to start a fire with nothing and by using your spectacle

2. How to find water source from observing animals in your surroundings

3. How to make your own chisel and hatchet

4. How to make ropes and weapon from nothing

5. How to make potteries with D.I.Y. kiln

I think the potteries are a must for you honey... I don't think you have the strength to cut trees or kill beasts for food. So, you must make containers which are fire resistant and waterproof so that you can cook food in case you need to stay there for a long time.

Hana's eyes misted from her hubby's efforts to help her. He achieved so much in just two short hours as compared to her. So productive!

She was very impressed with her hubby's efficiency. One need to know that it was not as easy as copy and paste some text. Most probably, Arash must have read quite a number of articles and watch videos before constructing an easy-to-understand text tutorial for his beloved wife. A lack of diagram increased the difficulty level for understanding something that has never been explored before. So, without diagram to support the explanation, it would really give a first-time reader a hard time to imagine how it should really be done. Hence, the need to rewrite a guide to elaborate each information precisely, while describing each step more colorfully.

Truthfully, Arash did all these partly from extreme worry for his wife, and another part was truly due to love.

Arash was scared that Hana might be shivering in cold because she could not light a fire while surrounded by dangerous-looking wild animals! It was too vivid in his mind! His face lost all color when he imagined the scary scene.

Hana knew how much effort her hubby must have gone through for her. Especially while juggling with pacifying the children. She was truly thankful. As always, Arash never failed her.

Such a competent husband!

She felt ashamed with herself for being so wishy-washy. She had nearly zero progress to report.


Thank you ayang. Love you niiii..I'll do my best so that I can survive and find a way back home.


Love you too. Check out the surrounding as soon as possible. Together, we can decipher your location and I will try to find a way to go there and save you.


I will ayang. I need to fine the water source soon. It'll be hard to do the number 1 and number 2 (1) without ample of water.


Do you have a container to keep water?


I have two bottles of drinking water but I won't use just for the sake of washing myself. I'll try to find something usable after this. Anyway, I still have some wetwipes haha...


Not funny. =___=|||| be a bit serious. You're in an emergency situation you know... Are you sure there's no one else around? Later block the cave entrance before going to sleep okay? Don't take things lightly as you always do. Danger could be anywhere anytime in any form. Stay alert.


Okay. Don't be angry T.T Noted with thanks. I will definitely remember your advice. Truthfully, not a single shadow can be seen. But I'm still not sure. What do you think of this matter, ayang?


It's extremely fishy and bizarre. If you found people, don't immediately got close. Observe first. We don't know they are friends or foes. They might be the reason you're stuck there.


Duly noted ayang. I will be extra careful. How about the girls? Are they crying? Have they eaten? I've cooked their favorite chicken carrot soup just now.


They're fine. They just ate and are still a bit upset. I've pacified them to sleep. They're tired and got a bit of a scare. Don't worry too much. I'll handle things from this side. You just focus on surviving.


Thank you ayang. Let me settle everything fast. I'll get back to you tonight about 9 or 10. I need to survey around as soon as possible.


Be safe. Safety is priority. Be back before dusk. Usually dangerous animals come out at dawn and dusk. Take care.

Hana looked at the clock at her phone. Now is 3.25 p.m. Hana set another alarm at 5.30pm. She toughened her cowardly heart and proceed to move outside. She planned to settle all her objectives for today after reading up the precious tutorials. These were the embodiment of her husband's love and hope for her safety.

She can't lose to her competent hubby.

Most importantly, she can't fail him.

Author's Note:

(1) number 1 and number 2 = toilet stuff, 1 is from front, 2 is from the back haha