What a Good Deal!

An aunty with a snake on her wrist walked back happily with one bagful of bamboos, and another bagful of kindling. The herbs foraged were wrapped inside a big leaf and placed together with the kindling and the water bottle.

This time, Hana's trip was smooth sailing. She managed to return to her cave dwelling before dark. She even did her number one and number two business in a hole she dug at the edge of the clearing not far from the cave. Before, she was too scared and hold them in for so long until finally they didn't want to come out! What a plight!

She used a long stick and hammered it in with a stone to mark the location so that she won't accidentally step on her own crap.

Shiro lazily opened one of its eye when it saw Hana entered and closed them back. The cave was colder than outside but safer. Hence, Hana never thought of moving out for the time being. She patted Shiro's head with a doted expression. Shiro rolled its eyes and ignored her while Kuro was seething with jealousy.

Hana grinned and patted Kuro's head and caressed its little horn. "You are cute too… Only not fluffy enough haha… I wonder, what is the usage of your horn?"

Kuro, being eager to please Hana, enthusiastically slid down from Hana's wrist and made a really comical swaying movements; from left to right, from right to left. It's like it was dancing. Hana clapped her hands in delight! What a great showmanship!

[This one is soo cute lahh!]

Suddenly, a small blue lighting sparked on the surface of the horn. It zapped the floor in front of Kuro. The cave floor was not scorched contrarily.

Hana blinked. [Was that a spark of electricity???]

"..." They stared at each other for a minute.

Hana snapped out of it and gave Kuro a clap. "Practice well my beloved Kuro! I want you to generate this energy in a constant state as soon as possible. No need to be strong at all." Hana picked Kuro up and give it a kiss on the jewel location. Kuro was delighted! The weak electricity generated gave Hana immense hope and make her excited.

Note that, there was a new 'beloved' word in front of Kuro's name.

[Finally, I found a way to charge my powerbank! Banzai!!!!]

Hana was in a super good mood.

Kuro noticed that Hana was greatly impressed with its electrical performance and thus eagerly showed off again by aiming at a different side of the cave wall. This time, it generated a gentle current for a period of time. It still didn't understand the significance of its ability towards Hana.

Hana rejoiced with Kuro's performance. She quickly took out her smartphone to time the electrical current generation. She didn't go too near since she was worried her smartphone might be affected somehow.

Kuro stopped his 'attack' after about 20 minutes. Through Hana's rough observation, she could see the output current was not stable; the blue lightning flashed a couple of times during the 'attack'.

"My little genius, try not to fluctuate your currents okay. Practice more. This will become your most important job." Hana squatted down beside her pet and gave it another encouraging pat on the head after she slipped her smartphone into her pocket.

After thinking for a while, Hana added, "Try tuning down the intensity of your lightning attack as much as possible, then prolong it more, and make sure to be able to aim the attack with absolute accuracy." After all, she didn't know how strong was Kuro's electricity. If Kuro zapped her powerbank to kingdom come, she would be heartbroken and killed herself. It was her only means to stay connected to her love out there.

Hana took a short stick and drew ten dots with descending sizes side by side on the wall, akin to a dart target practice point. Only, they didn't have multiple rings, only 1 circle each. The smallest was a dot the size of her pinky fingernail. "When you let flow your electricity, aim at the circle. When you manage to aim at the smallest circle and maintain your output for at least an hour, it meant you've succeeded."

Kuro nodded vigorously. It made Hana smiled satisfactorily.

"Do you have anything else to show me?"

To Hana's surprise, Kuro nodded again.

[Wahhh.. This little snake is so resourceful. What else can it do? Generate flame or ice maybe?] Hana's imagination started to run wild.

Kuro stood still and raised its head a foot high. Hana could feel the snake was concentrating.

Hana waited in anticipation.

Suddenly both of its eyes turn red!

Hana was amazed. She waited to see the effect.

After two minutes...

"..." Hana watched Kuro intently.

"..." Kuro watched Hana with utmost concentration.

After ten minutes...

"..." Hana watched Kuro patiently.

"..." Kuro still didn't move and continued watching Hana with utmost concentration. Its red eyes were slightly pulsating.

After fifteen minutes...

Hana can't stand it anymore, so she gave a big clap to Kuro.

"Marvelous! Excellent my dear! What beautiful red eyes! Red is my favorite color. How did you know?" she smiled sweetly. Hana used her strategy to praise her kids to show Kuro her appreciation. It truly was beautiful. It's like looking at three beautiful rubies instead of one.

"... " Kuro was dumbfounded. [Did she not feel the connection? Can't she see through my eyes?]

Kuro's spirit had fallen to a new low. It thought that its mommy would notice the new shared vision. It made a sighing sound.

Hana quickly went over to pat its head apologetically, seeing how dejected it had become from her fake delight.

Both of them felt really awkward now.

[Doesn't matter. I'm sure she understands soon enough.] Kuro vouched in his heart.

It dejectedly slithered to the cave wall and continue practicing its electricity attack currents. It was still confused by Hana's instructions to lower the intensity and increase the attack time by the hour. It doesn't really make sense.

Hana sighed looking at Kuro's back profile.

It must've been disappointed. It didn't know that Hana had truly accepted it and placed it at the most important place in her heart. Besides its high loyalty, its ability as a powerbank charger alone had made it a super win. Not to mentioned, it was a super lovely and cute pet too. Furthermore, she still didn't realize until now on its ability as a house guardian and insect repellent!

What a multi-purpose powerbank charger!

What a good deal!