Hana’s Childish Conjectures

Letting the kids swimming in their own daydreaming, Hana opened the LINE chatting app on the special spot not far from the fireplace. While waiting for the chats being connected, she took another gray stone and proceed with making a new chisel.

The new chisel would enable her to work on the soil near the stream area and turn it into a fish trap. This idea came as she had seen a particular Youtube video a few days before her transmigration on how to make a fish trap by digging a hole near a water source. It is a pity she couldn't load Youtube here. It will make her life a lot easier.

Sighing, she will try it out the next time when she goes to the river as she need to confirm that the stream embankment conditions was suitable.

As for other (more savage) ways to get meat, there's no way she was going to catch a game and slaughter it herself like on TV! All the meat she had ever cooked were either from supermarkets, the town's night market (1) or the wholesale market (2)!

The smartphone beeped a few times to indicate that the chat has been connected, and messages from Arash entered non-stop;


These are new DIYs for you love;

1. How to make potteries using termite mounds (3) (Author: Yes, you read that correctly 😊)

2. How to make potteries without a kiln

3. The kind of trees one should avoid in the wilderness

4. How to make fish traps using multiple methods

5. Method of purifying water with a traditional condenser

Hana's eyes were swirling like a retro green-colored mosquito coil (4); so much information!

She was just going to ask for a few easy methods to trap fish. Lo and behold, the competent hubby already read her mind. She gazed affectionately on her hubby's avatar. It was a family picture during their last oversea trip.

They started to chat away to let each other know their day. Hana went on towards Shiro and called Kuro over and snapped a picture of all of them together to send to her hubby.

The wefie failed to reach her hubby which disappointed Hana slightly. She even wasted some time to add filters and sparkles to beautify the pic.

Sigh! What a heartache!

[One day, I will definitely show a lot of pics to my darling hubby!]

Hana planned to keep on taking pictures of her progress and showed to her hubby one day by making a picture diary using collage app.

After an idle chat, they returned to discussing their conjectures of Hana's location.


Returning to our earlier discussion, I truly believe that I'm in Malaysia and not any other countries on the equator.

The characteristics of a tropical rainforest are in line with the wilderness over here. Although I have not seen any wild animals unique to the Peninsula, the hornbill is proof enough. Even the weather is similar, albeit a bit cold.

I remembered when I went trekking once, the moisture in the air and the temperature was just right, about 25ºC. The reason our place is hotter is because there's barely any trees left since it's a new developing town.


You are probably right. Moreover, it seems the time zone is quite similar that 1.00 o'clock in our place was as bright as 1.00 o'clock in that wilderness as explained by you before. The time for the sun to set was also in sync.

No time difference shows that your location is infinitely close to mine. However, this is Selangor! Already very near to KL. There's no such things as a virgin rainforest with local bird species unless you're in one of the gazetted reserved forest or in a Zoo!


Hence what I could say is, either I'm in a totally different world with exactly the same characteristics of earth at the equator, or I am still in the same world, as in on Earth, but a different dimension?


Sigh. I know both of us liked Xianxia novels so much, but it's quite impossible you know. We're not young anymore ayang. Those are just stories. As a responsible adult, we should've find a more logical answer.


I know it's totally absurd but that's the only way to explain how l could suddenly disappear into an unknown place at such a short time. I think we can still contact each other because the node that connects us spilled some coverage from our hometown into the wilderness.

I remembered, the cell site for our town is very near to 99(5). It's on top of one of the Nasi Kandar restaurants (6).

Oh yes. Forgot to let you know a good news. Most likely the problem of not being able to charge the powerbank issue is settled now since I discover that Kuro can generate electricity. I really love that cute snake 😊


I'm truly speechless. If you've really transmigrated, you must have an OP skill (7) right. A system? A ring with a nice powerful grandpa? A library? Anything?


Errr...maybe because I'm an old lady? So I didn't get any bonus? Additionally, I get to keep my body. That's already a plus. All other MCs start over with their souls only. Haha, at least I've found a way to charge the powerbank right. That eliminates the problem of connection between us. Maybe I already got my OPness since I already have you dear :P Without your tutorials, I don't think I could survive for long. Thank you.

However, will this be alright? If there's a need for any update, won't my smartphone become unstable since it can't receive large amount of data? Is there a solution for this ayang?


Ur welcome. (Blush face) Err the only way to improve the connectivity is to strengthen the signal on your side. Maybe make another cell site on your end?

However, we ourselves are not even sure the stability of the leaked network. It may be there yesterday and today, but we don't know whether it will still be there tomorrow. Hence, you have to be prepared and brace yourself! Be strong and survive!


Can you think of something ayang? Pretty please. I'm so scared even to venture far from this cave. Thank God the water source is quite near, if not, I don't know what I should do TT____TT


Ayang, I really wish I am there, so I can help you. I'm not the OP engineer who can induce an industrial revolution in a backward country. I'm just a normal engineer dear. The scope of my work is very precise and narrow in the field of oil and gas. You know what I do right?

Even in the off chance I might be able to procure the info to build a cell site from scratch, I don't think you can collect the necessary equipment and even to build it. Remember, math and physics are your weakness. You need to work on this first before anything else. However, I will try my best for you ayang. As long as you have the information, there is always a way in the future.

The mood turned somber between them. Feeling dejected, Hana forwarded her requests for a few additional tutorials before they bid each other goodnight.


Arash felt guilty he can't help his wife more and gave more constructive advice. He realized he had been way too negative and opposing towards his wife's plea. He even reprimanded his wife for being childish (although only lightly).

She must be feeling down right now.

Arash knew, his wife, Hana, is a sensitive and passionate person. She easily cried, easy laughed, easily forgave and easily got hurt.

[Should I consider switching my job so that I could learn more about telecommunication mechanics?] He pondered seriously.

He was already considered a senior in his specialized field, and his pay was quite hefty in accordance to his experience. But now, for his wife, he was thinking hard on other options available.

If he switched now, the salary will go down to entry level. This will not be enough in their situation. Since Hana was not present, he would need to use a lot of money to pay for a high-quality service especially in taking care of their children and house maintenance.

In his heart, never had he doubted a single word his wife had said. He 100% believed his pitiful beloved wife was trapped somewhere, unable to return to his embrace. He knew that his wife firmly believes she was trapped somewhere in a different world. There must be some logical explanation from all of this, and Hana's childish conjectures were not one of them.

He stared at his wife's avatar lovingly while sighing. She had always been the idealist, while he, the realist.

Only one to two days gone by without Hana.

But he felt like his world was tumbling in all directions; physically and emotionally.

He sighed deeply and fall asleep in between his worries.

Author's Note:

(1) night market = a weekly/bi-weekly open air market at night (typically from 5 pm - 9.30 pm) in towns. You can get everything there, just like a supermarket.

(2) wholesale market = a regional day market selling at wholesale price if buy in bulk, normal buyers can get groceries at a much cheaper price too. Mr and Mrs Mooncat frequent the Wholesale Market in Seri Kembangan. It's about 1/2 hour from our town. We usually bought a month worth of wet food here. Interested in having a look, check out the pics in foursquare (https://foursquare.com/v/pasar-borong-selangor/4d27fe5b068e8cfaac09c14c/photos)

(3) termite mound's pottery = its real guys, you can check out this link if you're interested (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZGFTmK6Yk4)

(4) mosquito coil = old fashion mosquito repellent incense in spiral form. Usually came in green or red in color (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosquito_coil)

(5) 99 = a minimart from the start of the story, 99 Speedmart is its full name

(6) Nasi Kandar restaurants = restaurants selling rice with various different curries.

(7) OP skill = over-powered skill (just a reference to first-time readers not accustomed to the term)