A Remedy for a Broken Heart

Hana's first return trip from the stream to her cave was uneventful. Thank goodness!

As she become more familiar with the route, she managed to reach her destination just within fifteen minutes. It was only a few days ago when Hana needed more than thirty minutes when she followed the song bird.

As weird as it was, practice do made Hana better at directions, in some sense. She wondered why she needed Waze (1) every time she drove about before.

Hana placed her first ever cooking pot gently in the middle of her cave dwelling, just beside the fireplace. The fireplace spot at the center of the cave had become unintentionally fixed; it was opposite Hana's Internet special spot.

She then moved out all the items she brought back from her day's work and placed them at the cave wall in an organized manner, all according to the types.

Hana worriedly looked at the digital clock on her smartphone and decided to risk it and make another round. This time she dashed through the woods with her heart in her mouth, as the surrounding was getting dimmer.

This time Hana placed the flower-shaped flat stone she used as potter's wheel before inside her shopping bag horizontally. It was truly quite tricky. The base of the bag had become wider and made both the pannikin shaped mug and gourd-shaped water container relatively safer from being accidentally squashed by her sweaty armpit. However, her shopping bag wasn't looking too good; it looked like it could tear anytime.

Hana wanted to cry. [Please don't tear...aiyo..I only have you to help me..]

She carried the last big pot she made with both hands while placing the shopping bag's handle through one of her arms. It was so damn heavy! It wasn't even properly dried yet.

She had underestimated on how heavy a large pot made from clay could be. She was so used to thin steel pots until she had neglected this point.

She glanced at her homemade spear with mixed feelings. There's no way she was going to make another round after this.

After some hesitation, she left her other things.

[There's always tomorrow! They won't go anywhere anyway.]

She suddenly remembered Kuro and was anxious. Yesterday, the little obedient pet of hers appeared just beside her out of the blue when she's on her way back, so she thought it'll be the same for today.

But not today.

She peeked through the bushes but couldn't make out anything.

She didn't dare to call out to Kuro. Full darkness nearly descended, and she was scared of the forest sounds as they got louder.

[Aiyaaaahhh..that boy ahh! Wait until you return! I'm going to grill you!]

She prepared herself to pinch the little snake's body when she meet her pet later. Regrettably it didn't have a butt to be spanked.

Hana became irritated due to her fear. She hesitantly walked back to her cave in a fast pace while carrying the big pot in both hands and the shopping bag.

The cacophony of sounds got to her as she got more and more nervous with every jittery rushed steps.

Nearing the end, her foot got stuck to one of the buttress roots!


Hana lost her balance! The big clay pot she held with dear life smashed to the surrounding roots. She only managed to save the potteries inside the shopping bag.

Hana was dumbfounded.

She just stood there unmoving for a few seconds. All the scary sounds drowned out and she heard a heart-rending sniff. Unsurprisingly, it originated from herself.

Warm tears flowing down from the corner of her eyes while she kept on sniffing sadly. It was too trying today.

Hana forgot her fear at that moment and squatted down. She took out another empty shopping bag and shakily collect the broken pieces silently.

Thank goodness her other pots in the shopping bag were okay.

Hana gave a sorrowful sigh and continued her journey. This time she was extra careful when maneuvering between the large snake-like roots.

Before entering the cave, Hana heard a soft rustle amongst the dried leaves on her left. She yelped subconsciously!


A small black head with a red ruby peeked through.

Hana patted her fragile sorrowful heart.

"WTF Kuro! Don't jump me like that! Where did you go all day?! I'm going to-"

Hana was shocked speechless by the big ass egg the little snake brought back until she forgot to continue her words. Kuro was partially coiled on a brown egg speckled with silver dots.

The egg was the size of a football! Did it steal the egg from an ostrich?

Hana went to help carry the egg for Kuro as soon as she placed both of her shopping bags inside the cave.

"Is this for me?" Hana's eyes were sparkly.

Kuro nodded while observing Hana's crying face worriedly.

"You… Thank you Kuro… What a lovely surprise! Such a good boy! You made my day, Kuro. I'll reward you after this." the heartache from the broken pot was washed away by her little pet.

Hana caressed Kuro's head fondly. She was deeply touched. It must be hard on him to get the bigger-than-itself egg and carry it from who knows where.

[Yay! I did it!] The cheeky little snake thought.

[Hmmph! I give you an S+ egg! Better than those AA eggs.]

"We'll eat a bit later today okay? Mommy wants to finish up the water filter first." Hana tried to explain to her pets. Kuro nodded passionately while Shiro that arrogant twerp just ignored her.

Hana drank a mouthful of water prior to eating her last banana and her chocolate flavor Twiggies. Since Kuro neared her, she gave him a bit of Twiggies after a gentle rub on his ruby but didn't offer any to Shiro. She reminded Kuro to practice her electricity generation afterwards.

Kuro nodded happily and made a swift vomiting motion on Hana palm as it tried to wriggle the hand touching it into an opened position.

A beautiful sparkling stone the size of an index finger nail was placed on Hana's palm. He made the winning starry eyes to Hana.

"Oh my goodness! Such a beautiful crystal! Is this real ruby?!"

Hana was over the moon. No women can resist the allure of a gemstone. Such a sweet sensible child!

Hana was really happy until tears stream down her face again. She rubbed it off with her sleeve.

This little snake had successfully soothed her broken heart and made her spirit so much better. It's not that she was a materialistic person. She knew it must be unimaginably hard for the little one to find such rare stone as well as the egg to lift her mood. Its thoughtful mind was what counts.

Shiro snorted contemptuously and looked the other way. What a good ass kisser!

The fox didn't realize it was quite upset being left out.


Markisah stood atop a branch at the top of a tall tree, in between the canopy of leaves, as she observed the unknown being entered the cave with a black snake.

She heaved a relieved sigh when she saw the being became happy again.

Just now, she saw how the being struggled walking through the forest and broke the thing it worked so hard for. It even cried.

Markisah's home was quite a distance from here. She liked to venture this region because there was a fruit tree she loved growing not far from here. In her daily routine, after she had her fill, she would stop by the Crystal-veined stream for a sip before returning to her home. Although it was far, she felt that it was worth it.

Last time when she saw this being sloppily following her, she got a bit annoyed and confronted it to stop it from continuing. It's because she couldn't sense any hostility from this unknown being. It's her first seeing a creature so big, yet so docile and nonthreatening.

The food the being gave her was surprisingly delicious; it was a new kind of taste that she had never tried before. As a reward, she finally gave in and led the way for it to the stream.

Today, she spotted the creature in passing, so she followed it to the same spot beside the stream.

She could see the creature disturbed the peace of the forest by changing the stream's flow and tearing down the vegetation. It even dug the soil at the stream's region and went to play with it by making lots of strange things. In confusion, she tried to approach it to stop it from continuing. Although the snake was the Lord of the land around here, the source of the stream was owned by a different Lord altogether.

It was unwise to anger another Lord who didn't befriend you.

As Markisah was thinking on how to convey her message, she saw the being noticed her. Markisah was pleasantly surprised when the creature shared its food with her again; this time with an increase portion. She was not stupid since she could see the being ate very little.

After she ate, she wanted to tell it but still couldn't find the right method. They both spoke different language after all.

It dragged until she saw the being walking back. Most probably it wanted to return to its dwelling.

[Maybe next time.] She thought.

[The landscape doesn't change much. I bet the Crystal-veined stream Lord didn't notice.]

As she was thinking deeply while following the being from a distance, she saw it fell down. It must be painful because she could see water leaking from its eyes. She felt very bad inside for not being able to help.

Seeing the action of the snake to cheer the creature, Markisah thought, she would give it a nice present next time to make her day.

She was not sure what kind of tragedy could've happen on the next day as the creature was extremely clumsy. She should just prepare in advance.

Markisah shook her tiny head and eyed the creature's home one last time before she flew away.

[I'll look for it again tomorrow with a present.]

Author's note:

(1) Waze = a traffic and nagivation app widely used in Malaysia