Kuro’s Dilemma

[What are we going to do today, mom?] Kuro asked with curiosity as they were walking in the shady forest. Their mommy was always full of ideas. All of them were usually about food, so he was quite excited to know Hana's unique plan and ideas.

Currently, the three of them was walking towards the stream early in the morning. Shiro decided to follow them after they have closed the entrance of the cave with a big boulder. Courtesy of Kuro. He wanted to show his prowess to Hana and used his tiny body to forcefully push a really big stone-like structure not too far away from the cave and let it sit in the middle of the cave doorway cum window. As usual, Hana was so speechless until her jaw hit the ground.

Additionally, Shiro came forward and started to use his good paw to nonchalantly destroy the base of the cave doorway cum window with a few casual swipes. He even took the initiative to make it slightly squarish, resembling a proper door.

Hana was still unaccustomed with her pets' prowess. So much strength packed into such tiny anchovies bodies (1)! They're like superheroes in animal form! At least the pet superheroes in movies used advanced gadgets. These little ones were more like Superman.

Now, there was no need for Hana to struggle through the hole, as it already resembled a door. She could move in and out leisurely while standing.

Hana gave a 1000 likes to her two pets in her heart. She would've tweeted it in her account to boast. Hana gave both of them a hug while jumping happily before they resumed their journey to the nearby stream.

"We have a few things to do, guys. Firstly, we need to submerge these pots into the stream. Half a day will do."

[Why??] Both Kuro and Shiro voiced their question simultaneously in her mind with a perplexed look.

"Because they will get stronger. It is something about their pores. If we didn't do this, the ongoing rapid heating and cooling will make the pot crack easily. Mommy didn't know how it is done, but mommy had tried it at home before. It works!" She smiled at her pet.

[How about the small pot last night? I saw you just use it after it's done.] Kuro asked inquisitively.

Hana blushed and cleared her throat, "That was an emergency huhu. You see? I did bring it along too. Let's just immerse everything together!"

As they reached the familiar stream, Hana and Kuro tried to find a good spot to submerge the pots and secure them with large stones in the hopes that the potteries won't be swept away. Shiro was watching them from the riverbank.

After she finished arranging them, she went to check the fish trap. It was full again!

[What is wrong with all these fishes? Seriously?]

This time, she could see different kind of river fishes inside too. It made her so happy especially when she saw a fat pink tilapia (2) the size of a football struggling with the rest of the catfishes, fat silver catfishes, snakeheads, climbing perches and a number of eels inside. It's her favorite!

Unknowingly, her saliva drip at the corner of her mouth. [That is one fat fish. It will be divine to grill it to crisp and dip the soft white flesh with some sambal belacan (3). Some ulam (4) and rice is a must too. Should she open her small pack of rice today?] Hana pondered seriously.

[Mommy? Mommy?] Kuro called Hana. Their mom suddenly zoned out after she looked inside the fish trap. He was worried about her.

"Hah? Yes? Sorry. Haha." The klutzy aunty covered her 'blurness' (5) with a bashful fake laughter. She really hoped the kids didn't read her mind. She won't be able to maintain her dignity as a mom if they knew she zoned out and think about food out of nowhere.

A half smile crept on Shiro's lips as he had been taking great attention and focused on their mom's action and mental connection. Hana was just like an open book when she wasn't filled with cautiousness. One just needed to focus to realize what she was thinking. Shiro had even caught a glimpse of how a grilled tilapia with sambal belacan, rice, and ulam looked like in Hana's mind. Even his mouth started to water inside, as he tried his hardest to gulp it down and pretend not to notice, since that was what Hana wanted.

[We really need to help Mom find all the things she need. It will be a boon even for us.] Shiro directly talked to Kuro using his mind. It was one of the perks of connecting to the main host; all recipients could telepathically communicate with each other if they wanted to.

[You're right on that part, Fox. Kuro agreed as he also noticed the same projected image from Hana. The white rice looked familiar, but of a different color. I've seen it somewhere. I'll find a way to get them for Mom soon. However, that fat pink fish looks like one of the many offspring of the Crystal-veined stream Lord. Should we let Mom cook it?]

[Your call, Bro..your call.] Shiro shrugged. He didn't really care. After all he was not a native of the rainforest. Who cares about societal obligations or anything. What he knew was that the fish could make Hana's constitution stronger. If he could eat some, the flesh of the fish could slightly help himself too.


Kuro was in a dilemma.

Eating the tiny fish would probably resulted in them eternally becoming an enemy with the Crystal-veined Stream local Lord. However, it would definitely help Hana's constitution tremendously. The other body of water was quite far from where they lived, even to Kuro's standard. He knew if he told Hana, Hana would refrain herself from eating the fish.

After living with Hana for a few days, he was beginning to understand how Hana's mind worked.

She would only eat animals or vegetables with no consciousness. If she found that a highly intelligent sentient being was served as her food, she would be extremely appalled and might even cry with sorrow. She might even start fasting to atone for her sins (6). Such was how a normal person who had never hurt insects and was scared of cockroaches would behave. She even nearly fainted when seeing her own blood flowed out during blood donation drive. Occasionally, Kuro would see Hana's memories in the form of nightmares.

That was also the reason why she treated Kuro and Shiro like human beings but could still eat fishes caught in the stream. She treated them just like she treated her own pets at home; like her own children. About the spiritual herb, she didn't know squat about it. She just thought that it was a normal, slightly more delicious, fresh bamboo shoots the kids harvested for her while getting the bamboo poles.

As long as nobody talked about it, their mom won't know a thing.

Kuro steeled his heart and planned to just let nature follows its course. If they have to face the retaliation of the stream Lord, worse come to worse, he'll just work together with the fox to murder that fat fish. They'll have more high energy fish flesh to be cooked later too. Win-win situation.


Author's Note:

(1) tiny anchovies bodies = yeah..anchovies are tiny right? Usually a local will associate someone who's small with either 'hot chili pepper' or 'anchovies'..if it isn't true, at least it happens in mrs. Mooncat's family (laugh)

(2) tilapia = a pink colored fresh water fish

(3) sambal belacan = as a reminder, a hot+spicy dipping sauce usually eaten as accompaniment of fried/grilled fish with rice

(4) ulam = fresh herbs/vegetables usually eaten raw or sometimes blanched

(5) 'blurness' = it doesn't follow the standard meaning of 'blur', it meant something to do with a sudden moment of 'dimwitted-ness', it's local thing