When a Clueless Aunty Meets a Clueless Fish

"Ah, it's just sweet little Ara." Hana gestured for her new fish friend to come closer with a smile so sweet that made the fish involuntarily shivered all over. Moreover, the little pink fish was too afraid of both of Hana's pets. She shook her head rapidly and made a gesturing expression towards her while flapping her left pectoral fin instead.

Hana sighed, stood up and walked up towards Ara. She felt a little reluctant to leave the comfortable spot.

"What is it, m'dear? Don't be scared with Kuro and Shiro. They're nice and sweet but just a little bit too shy, thus couldn't express themselves well. They'll come around soon."

Ara tilted her whole body to the side while making a blurred expression. She then replied with a "Ploppp..plop..plooooppppp" sounds. Hana turned to her two pets for help, but both of them were still asleep. She didn't want to disturb them. Little did she knew that the two boys were wide awake and was giving Ara their threatening gaze behind Hana's back.

"I want to ask for your help. It's extremely important to me." Ara tried her best to explain to Hana but to no avail. Desperately, she begged the snake with limpid eyes, "Please, Snake, can you let her know?"

Kuro ignored the fish and pretended to sleep when Hana turned around to check again after she felt like she'd been stared at from the back.

Heck, giving the fish an inch didn't mean that she could ask for a mile! After all, they only have a shallow business relationship from each other. He felt that the fish wanted to ask something out of line, especially when he could detect the Crystal-veined stream Lord's presence a few hours ago. Kuro didn't want extra problems knocking on their doorstep.

Feeling dejected, Ara turned away and sulked at the corner.

Hana felt concerned yet so helpless with the little fish's tantrum. [Can't she just wait for the boys to wake up? Is it that important?]

After thinking hard for a short while, she went over to the bubble and squatted down beside it. She slowly inserted her hand into the water bubble and patted the fish's head. Hana's action made the two vigilant boys gasped, afraid that the fish would lash at her out of grievance.

However, nothing happened. Only the sounds of childish sobbing could be heard in the boy's ears.

Hana slowly turned the fish around to coax her. Half of her upper clothes were already wet from the water bubble. She then placed her index finger inside Ara's mouth and showed her a biting and a sucking motion, encouraging her to try it out with a smile. From Hana's back, the brothers were unable to see what's going on as they tried their best to peek at what Hana was doing.

Kuro was preparing to connect with Hana and see through her vision when the bite came.

"Ouch!" Hana yelped in pain as she let the little fish sucked her blood.

"Stop it right now, dumb fish! Spit it out!" Kuro hissed in anger as she leaped forward to attack Ara. Seeing the leaping Kuro, Hana quickly hugged the pink fish to protect her.

As Kuro rushed over, Ara descended into a state of panic! She instantly sucked in a lot of blood in defiance. She knew Hana would protect her at the moment. If she didn't grab the opportunity given, she would definitely regret it later. From how the snake was being over-protective with Hana's blood, it might mean that it had a profound effect she desperately needed to communicate with Hana without the need of an uncooperative medium.

"Stop it, Kuro! Mommy let her do it!" Hana was a little afraid of this savage side of Kuro. He was simply too intense. Granted, it was out of protectiveness towards her, he should've asked first before attacking. What will happen if he mistakenly kills someone in the future?

The little black snake landed on Hana's head gently while glaring at the nervous fish. [Why did you do that for, Mommy?] He gently licked Hana's injured finger with his red forked tongue. Hana felt a tingling sensation as she saw the tiny jagged wound on her finger closed up at a rapid speed obvious to the naked eyes.

[Miraculous! I thought so.] She patted Kuro's head dotingly. Thank you, sweetie.

She had been thinking from the very beginning, why the two boys could understand and converse with her telepathically while they obviously didn't have that ability beforehand. Both conditions happened after she was bitten by them. Although, no blood oozed out when Shiro bit her, the unmistakable pain akin to being lanced by a lancet was very real. Blood should've come out if only a little. Because of that, she had an inkling that Kuro had the ability to instantly heal her wounds. She did feel her blood being sucked out on both occasions, although only a tiny bit.

All these instances had given Hana the courage to try out her conjecture. Additionally, she sensed that both her boys had a deep animosity towards her new friends. Hence, she let Ara sucked a little of her blood for easier communication. She only had to invest a little bit of pain.

[Yay! Now, all of us can talk with each other over here!] The aunty cheerily knocked her left temple.

[Isn't it right, Ara?] She turned to the fish and asked, hoping that it would work.

[Yep yep yep!] Ara answered happily while flapping her dorsal fins with delight.

Kuro and Shiro face-palmed themselves in their heart! (Author: if only they have real palm!)

Hana and Ara didn't know the significance of the blood-drafted pact at all!!! The blood pact was a permanent connection between a spiritual beast to the main spirit host. It had a bigger and deeper meaning. If Hana exerted her dominance and asked Ara not to return home, Ara would be compelled to do so instinctively.

However, Ara was not a nobody in her clan. The presence of the Crystal-veined Lord he felt last night could attest to that. If the fish wasn't an important offspring to the clan, the Crystal-veined Lord wouldn't come down from his own little pond himself. It was rumored that the owner of the Crystal-veined stream was a cultivation maniac who's reluctant to appear in the outside world. Kuro himself had only seen him once from afar a few hundred years ago.

He especially knew that the exalted Crystal-veined Lord wouldn't stand to let his descendant to be subjected to Hana's every order and whims!

The duo's cluelessness was at an unprecedented level!

Right now, the clueless aunty might as well be subjecting herself to a possible reprisal from the Crystal-veined marine life clan due to this! A war could be coming their way!

[We have a very big problem here. Both of you didn't know what you've done.] Shiro lectured the clueless duo who were blinking their eyes innocently while he sighed deeply. Kuro was shaking his head while having a headache. Should they really relocate immediately?

Hana brushed them off with a chuckle, "Like what your Papa always says, when trouble comes, deal with it at that time. Don't waste your emotion and energy dwelling on things that might or might not happen. You'll be happier that way. Furthermore, if someone didn't pretend to be sleeping, none of this would've happen, right?" She gave a suspicious sidelong glance at the two boys. It's too coincidental for the boys to wake up and berate the little cute fish after she made it bite her before.

The boys bowed low, not answering. They were ashamed of themselves for not being there for their mistress when she called for them. They were looking at only one side of the situation.

[Ehem..ehem.. Testing.] Hana tried to isolate her conversation to only her two boys. She looked at Ara and she still made that large hopeful eyes.

[Can you listen to me now, Ara?] The little fish didn't have any reaction towards Hana's question.

Relieved, she continued, [Now, now, you boys no need to be depressed. It's my own fault. I know you didn't want me to busybody help someone else left and right while I myself is this weak right? Let's just listen first to her request. Maybe it's not as tough as you imagine. We might even benefit from it. Don't forget that she's our golden goose!]

[Mom, she's a pink fish, not a goose.] Shiro added helpfully.

[I know that! I meant literally. Anyway, after listening to her request, we can still choose to agree or disagree with it, alright.]

The two boys nodded in agreement at the same time, like two adorable twins 😊.

"Anyway, Ara m'dear, care to continue? What was it you're going to say just now?"