Ara's Longing

A young snakehead (1) swam through the underground tunnels within the Crystal-veined spring while he lowered his eyes every time he encountered some other fishes. The aquatic lives will either snorted with disdain or ignored the young snakehead altogether once they realized he passed by. Initially, he was very confused as to why the sudden change in atmosphere. As someone who was new to the clan grounds, he had been very careful not to offend any of the big shots around here. He knew he couldn't withstand the repercussions once some Young Masters over here wanted him ousted out or even dead; he had no background or connections whatsoever over here. But now, he already knew why.

The young snakehead could only sigh with helplessness as he slowly swam forward into the many little tunnels to reach a spacious room-like space; making his presence as small as possible. Or should he said it was more of like a hall?

In the middle of the hall-like room, a pretty pink fish with regal features and beautiful wavy tail, which reminded him of transparent billowing seaweed, was tossing and turning on a large two-meter flattened crystal bed. Every time he looked at the 'bed', he would've gulped his own saliva. His reward for finding this princess was only a thumb-size of such crystal.

When his eyes moved a little higher to lay upon the little beauty over the 'bed', he became a little dazed, just like every other time. Her pinkish scales were symmetrically arranged, with a gloss to them, tinged with bluish light. Her dorsal fin atop her body was a darker shade of pink, with purplish-blue spines. Her lateral line was silver, with a bright gleam to it. She was the embodiment of perfection in every way.

The pretty fish was flapping her transparent graceful pectoral fins tragically and wept in a spoiled manner, "Wuwuwuwuuuu...Chomper, you're finally here. Where have you been? I haven't finished telling you about Mistress. I missed her so much..." The spoiled little princess was whining again to him for the n-th time.

Once she opened her mouth to speak to him the same ol'thing again for the n-th time, her enthralling beauty evaporated from the young snakehead's eyes immediately as he showed a helpless expression.

"Young Miss, you must stay strong and be patient. Please continue to cultivate diligently. The Clan Head already said that you're free to go when you've done consolidating your core." Chomper had tried hard to coax the willful princess.

It had been a few days Chomper had been bestowed the position of an attendant to Princess Aranyella. By right, he should be elated with the sudden elevation of his status, but the strange atmosphere within the clan's ground started from that exact moment. Before, he had been treated cordially, and even sometimes, quite favorably by the other Young Masters of the clan due to his helpful and servile personality.

But then, the princess finally came home, huffing and puffing with discontent. Her return marked the start of an undisguised ostracization by the public, especially from the younger generation; it was even obvious to his eyes. He, as the princess official attendant, finally experienced the same level of ostracization from the rest. He immediately lost the budding connection he made with the others.

After acquainting himself with the princess and tactfully asking about it, he finally understood that the beautiful princess is a big-time troublemaker and a poisoner at that! He had fin-palmed himself when he knew!

[What have I gotten myself into?!]

The princess herself had the biggest immunity due to her ability to suck up to the Elders of the clan. But he was totally a nobody! All his life, young Chomper had always been extra careful not to offend anyone. He had done all he could to gain favor from the rest of the Young Masters, or at least not incur any hate from them, and even covered all the misgivings of his new charge. The effect was subtle, but he could already see some results, which appeased him. At least he was not insulted directly on the face.

If only the princess would remain a good girl, stay put, and cultivate as she should. He would be so glad and kowtowed to the nine heavens. Instead, nine out of ten times he was here, the princess will waste her time wallowing in sadness on her 'prized' bed, saying 'Mistress this', 'Mistress that'.

Chomper could only push his misgivings within and tried to coax the little princess again as he softened his voice, "Young Miss, I'm sure the Mistress missed you too."

"Really?" The glaringly bright eyes assaulted his senses, but he persevered.

"Really. Would you like for me to help you send letters maybe? Or presents? I'm sure the Mistress will be happy." Chomper offered with feigned enthusiasm.

"Ahh... Mistress didn't know how to read bubble language. Hmm... I wanna see Mistress. The last time she was so sick too." The princess was beginning to shed crocodile tears and whimpered pitifully.

Chomper quickly added, "It's okay. Just send the Mistress a present first! I can go on your behalf and check on her for you. I can even relay your message if you want. As long as you stay put and diligently cultivate here, Young Miss!"

Ara's eyes shone brightly with happiness. A subtle mischievous light within disappeared before the young snakehead was able to notice the anomaly. She loved it when she could get whatever she wanted with these crocodile tears. She couldn't stand it if Mistress forget about her after a few days. She needed to make her presence felt even if she was not there inside Mistress' cave-dwelling.

" about some spare crystals and pearls. Oh! I should pack extra All Cure pellets! Let me refine some of them now! Chomper, you go and borrow the shell from Gramps Watershade!" Ara excitedly chattered with a crazed light in her eyes.

Chomper sweated profusely within as he heard the taboo 'poison' spoken by Ara and could only hope that the princess' Master was strong enough to withstand the poisonous pellet! At the moment, no one else except the Clan Head and the Grand Elder knew of the effectiveness of her medicated pellets. The notorious reputation of her handmade 'poison' was still prevalent within the whole clan. Ara shooed him out before she slammed a large clam to close the opening to her sanctuary. From outside, he could hear a lot of cluttering sounds and maddening whispers from his charge.

The beautiful spoiled princess had suddenly turned into a passionate mad scientist. The change was so vast until Chomper was speechless.

[If only her passion for cultivation is like this.] Chomper sighed and shook his head helplessly before he swam through the darkened tunnels toward the Grand Elder's chamber.


"It must be hard on you, Little Chomper." Grand Elder Watershade patted the head of the young snakehead fish while sighing gently. Chomper was so nervous but was glad within. Only the heavens knew how troublesome the little princess of the clan was. All the pent up grievances he suppressed inside evaporated into nothingness. The veiled intent within the Grand Elder's caring words showed that he knew exactly what Chomper had gone through, from the unfavorable public opinion to accommodating the willful princess' attitude.

"Is it alright for me to go on land to meet this Mistress of the Young Miss?" Chomper still remembered about the highest order from the clan; never to tread on land as it was forbidden. He couldn't just sneakily go out without the circle of Elders' consent. Even if the Young Miss could disobey them, he didn't have the guts to do it. He was just a nobody who had chanced upon a windfall from spotting the Young Miss' whereabouts previously and was duly rewarded. Similarly, he could be kicked out easily too with a slight mistake. Only the Grand Elder seemed to be more amiable than the rest, hence he timidly took his chance after praying to the heavens a million times.

Elder Watershade coughed lightly, "Sure. The Clan Head had already entered seclusion for the time being, so I'll make the decision on his behalf. Use this to keep whatever Little Aranyella wanted to give to the Mistress. It'll be somewhat proper." The Grand Elder passed a pristine-white bi-valved shell the size of the thumb to Chomper. At the base of the shell, there was a tiny purple-colored gemstone embedded on it.

"This... What should I do with this, m'lord?" Chomper asked with a bewildered expression while receiving the tiny white shell with his mouth. He was after all a new addition to the clan's main grounds. He was ignorant in a lot of things.

Elder Watershade sighed and smiled while patting the little one's head again. Truly, the ignorant was surely blissful. Anyone else seeing the white shell would've been shocked and questioned his decision. It was an apt decision to use the clueless young snakehead for the transaction.

"This is a Pillage Void Shell. No matter what, keep it well. There was a tiny transaction going on between the clan and the princess' Mistress. The clan's compensation was kept within this shell. You can ask Aranyella to add whatever she wanted to give to her Mistress by filling the first layer. No matter what, you must pass this shell only to the Mistress. Not the snake, nor the fox." Elder Watershade explained seriously.

He had tried his best to extort as much as the clan's spare resources to be passed to Aranyella's master. He really hoped the creature could get adequately stronger faster to ensure its own safety. Before that, hopefully, the Lifeguard Scale could serve as a backup to preserve its little life.

"I will protect it with all I got, Grand Elder." Chomper vowed solemnly as he realized the graveness of the issue from the Grand Elder's veiled exhortations. The white shell must be something extremely precious, although the Grand Elder seemed to try to make light of it. Although he was inexperienced, he was actually extremely intelligent and could read body language like an open book. What he lacked was proper education and backing of the clan.

Little Chomper swam away with deep cautiousness reflecting in his eyes as he returned to the chambers of the Waterwave Marine Clan's willful princess.

Elder Watershade watched the snakehead's retreating figure with an approving gaze, "Send eight experts to silently protect the young one. I don't want anything to befall the Young Miss' new attendant and the Pillage Void Shell."

"Yes, Grand Elder." A faint voice floated behind Elder Watershade as a shadow flashed by.

Elder Watershade sighed lightly and murmured to himself, "I've done all I could to help Aranyella's master. Hope that no big incidents would occur within this period." Only the Clan Head and himself knew the real nature of Aranyella's master. The others believed that the Young Miss had chanced upon a fruitatious encounter with an expert and had been acknowledged as a disciple. It had even garnered another level of envy from the younger generation.

Elder Watershade was helpless with Ara's current predicament and could only help her the best that he could. He knew, despite all the misgivings the public had over her, the little girl was courageous, dauntless; never giving up her pursuit and believe, besides being fiercely loyal towards the clan, especially towards the Clan Head. They had a really good great-granddaughter in Aranyella. He believed that only time will show the little girl's worth and efforts in the future.


Two days later, Chomper was already on his way to the faraway remote region which was actually quite near to his previous abode. He was feeling jittery all over as he knew that crossing the tyrannical Lightning Serpent's territory was inevitable. He might even come face to face with the murderous brute! The previous massacre before it had gone into slumber a few hundred years ago was still passed down in the clan until today as a precautionary tale!

Without him realizing anything, a group of eight experts was stealthily following young Chomper to his destination.


Author's Note:

(1) Snakehead: It's a type of predatory freshwater fish, had the same morphology like a catfish but with fish scales covering its body (catfishes don't have scales). Additionally, its 'face' was quite different than a catfish. The name stems from the face looking like a snake, with a large mouth filled with row of sharp teeth. Snakeheads are aggressive fishes who ate their own younglings and loved to bully others (laughing). Mrs. Mooncat heard that the flesh doesn't taste so good.