A Stinking Rich Housewife!

Once the Grand Elder returned to the clan grounds, it was already bright. The clan main grounds were nestled deep amongst the majestic northeastern mountain ranges, where the stream Hana frequented flows from. It was told that all the rivers and streams in this realm originated from the Crystal-veined Spirit Spring, which harbors the underwater spirit crystal lode. He noticed an unusual number of clansmen lingering at the vicinity of the clan grounds. Most of the time, everyone had the habit of entering seclusion to cultivate if they didn't have other things to do. However, this time, he could perceive a kind of restlessness within the crowd, as they watched him passing through with fervent gazes.

He entered his own chamber and issued an order for the Circle of Elders to convene immediately. Outside, a huge commotion was happening as they got the news! Anticipation, nervousness and unfounded panic were spreading silently; a lot of clansmen had noticed the strange instant breakthrough of the princess' new attendant after a short outdoor assignment. He had become an overnight celebrity!

If the princess' previous advancement could be attributed to suppressed latent talent, then how could they explain the tiny subordinate's sudden advancement?

Almost everyone knew of the origin of the young snakehead fish during the clan-wide meeting with the Clan Lord several days ago! At that time, the snakehead fish was only an initial leveled spirit beast! Now, after a short half-day excursion, he had jumped two whole minor levels to a high leveled spiritual beast! Typically it will take at least two hundred to three hundred years to achieve that level in a clansman with an average aptitude! It would even need massive resources that an average joe could not afford.

Currently, they were only waiting for the official announcement from the Circle of Elders. The new attendant had entered seclusion; most probably an excuse to stop everyone from barging in and question him. Some of the Young Masters that the snakehead had tried to befriend earlier regretted their lackadaisical attitude towards him. If not, they're sure they could at least contacted him to get first-hand news.


Elder Waterfall entered the natural limestone underwater cave fixed with an abundant amount of Azure Spirit Pearls adorning the ceiling to face four other elders. This group of elders was actually descendants of Lord Tittua and Grand Elder Watershade who had successfully passed the first heavenly tribulation, the glorified Nobles. Their lineage was so long and messed up due to interbreeding until they weren't really sure they came from which generation. However, everyone knew that their colleagues will be a cousin, or an uncle, or even a not too far off descendant. Hence, there was a slight camaraderie between them as they acknowledge the origin of the blood flowing within. Nonetheless, every one of them did have their own faction.

Although they were termed as the Circle of Elders, they were more like figureheads; rarely involving themselves with the management of the clan. Only when there was a very important issue which needed consent from all or when there was critical information to be relayed, will they convene. Another important role of the Circle of Elders was to act as the main experts of the clan, deterring other covetous spiritual beasts from intruding their sacred clan grounds. Hence, all five of them have their own personal space; artificial ponds with an underground abode that had direct access to the main spiritual spring. The locations of their artificial ponds were at the five points of the clan's ground's periphery, which acted as the territory marks for the Waterwave Marine Clan at the start of five major connected rivers leaving the mountainous regions.

Almost all of the time they had were used for cultivation to better themselves, with the help of the resources from the central clan grounds. Hence, they were quite detached with the worldly affairs of the clan, unless a big mess happened, or strong intruders attempted a breach into the clan's main grounds in search of the real position of the spirit crystal lode. The gathering of elders had occurred twice this time, which was extremely unusual, hence, garnering the attention of every clansman. Previous meetings were only done once a year when the moon shone the brightest at the summit of the highest mountain in the region for twelve times.

After the main door had closed, Grand Elder Watershade immediately spoke, "Since everyone has arrived, I will announce that I have made a very important decision for the good of the clan. I have struck a deal with Aranyella's new Mistress to help our clan's younger generations to achieve breakthroughs."

A commotion ensued.

"What are the specific details? And what is the price?" Elder Waterfall immediately could see the issue. Nothing in this world was a free lunch. To obtain benefits, one must be willing to part from something in return.

Watershade nodded approvingly within. The young lad, Waterfall, was the previous genius of the clan and had just been given the title of an Elder around ten years ago after successfully passing his first heavenly tribulation. Compared to the rest, his intelligence and tactfulness were impressive and will make him a key figure in managing the clan. He was quite satisfied with the lad's astute judgment and will be a good candidate to shoulder the mantle of the Grand Elder once Watershade decided to abdicate to enter deep seclusion.

Sighed, compared to him, the rest were just muscle heads; unsuitable in management. However, they did have their own ability in protecting the clan and were loyal to a fault. Waterfall would be the best choice to assist Aranyella when the time comes. He just needed some grooming and a little time to mature enough.

"Aranyella's master, Mistress Hana, is an expert in concocting unusual assist-related meals for breakthroughs. However, since her ability is still at the experimental level, she needs more manpower and resources to help her at the moment. I feel that this is a good opportunity for us! With our assistance, she could finalize her ability and be indebted to us at the same time, while we profited in the form of an increase in the number of young experts. The wealth of a clan didn't come in the form of only resources. It was the number of experts present! Besides the five of you, we're sorely lacking in this department. Although the Young Miss had not gone through her first heavenly tribulation, she had jumped from a mid-level spiritual beast to a half-step spiritual beast, with an added core formation! Cores are usually formed after the first tribulation, correct? All this was thanks to her master. Even her attendant was blessed with a two minor level jumps from gaining the favor of the Mistress."

"Grand Elder, why don't we just forcefully take this 'Hana' into our custody and just asked her to work for us? Won't it be free?" A red-eyed water-python, Elder Watervenom, asked Elder Watershade a question. It had a singular white horn in the middle of his forehead, a characteristic of Lord Tittua's descendants. He wasn't sure why they needed to accommodate to the creature's whims if the creature itself wasn't strong to protect itself. It could be used just like a slave!

Elder Watershade scoffed, "Not many of you might know this, but Aranyella's master is also the Lightning Serpent's master! The triggered tribulation lightning a couple of days ago was from the snake's advancement to Lord-level! Tell me, can all of us contend with him since he had reached Lord-level?!" The hall was silent as they reminisced the notorious snake's breach in a bid to fight for the spiritual crystal-lode a few hundred years ago. Many had directly perished and were straightly eaten on the spot. If not for the appearance of Lord Tittua, things would be extremely bad.

"But, if the Lord could personally act, I believe he could clean the floor with the snake's corpse.." Elder Watervenom continued but was cut halfway by Elder Watershade.

"Don't ever think about it. At his current level, our Lord needs to pay a heavy price to have a chance. Don't forget that there were many creatures eyeing for our Spiritual Crystal Lode. The deal is finalized. I will arrange this myself. Anyone who wished to harm Aranyella's master will invoke the Clan's judgment. I will see to it that you receive what is due." Elder Watershade made himself clear without mincing words while eyeing the elders one by one intimidatingly. Only Elder Waterfall seemed to truly understand his intention. He meant to tell all of the elders present that if they moved against Hana, it meant that they moved against him! He had shocked the majority of the elders.

Only Lord Tittua and the Grand Elder knew how much they had offered to appease the snake and made him leave. They had given him three-quarter of the spiritual crystals they mined for the year! The snake didn't leave because it was terrified with Lord Tittua; it was satisfied with the compensation provided by the clan that made him leave on his own volition. Elder Watershade shook his head helplessly at the naive notion.

He added, "Some of you might think that our Lord has defeated the snake earlier. At that time, the snake was just a high-leveled Noble, while the Lord was healthy, brimming with vitality. He still attacked! Now, with the Lord sustaining internal injuries, and the snake's advancement, I'm not sure who will use who to wipe the floor." A sudden realization emerged from the majority of the elders as their faces turned ugly and filled with deep horror.

Elder Watershade didn't even get the chance to explain that the snake wasn't alone anymore; he even had another 'brother' who was also a strong expert on par with himself. If they wanted, they could really contend for the Spirit Crystal lode, but they didn't. Why was that? It wasn't their nature not to snatch resources when given the opportunity. It could only mean that an existence who could influence the two experts had forbid them. There was none other than Hana herself!

Although Hana had not said anything during their brief discussion, he could come to such a conclusion after observing all the clues. Hence, he was sure that Hana was someone who's kind, magnanimous and benevolent, besides being strict with her own people; a very alien temperament amongst spiritual beasts. She had no intention to take over the Spirit Spring and the Spiritual Crystal lode and only wished to milk some of the resources out. Most probably for the sake of her own people. She was really a good master, especially for Aranyella. As long as they didn't provoke her, she won't retaliate. It was best to befriend such creature rather than making an enemy out of her.

"We need to give half of our mined spirit crystals which we had collected for three moons every time a breakthrough from a single clansman is achieved by Mistress Hana's help." Elder Watershade started to list down the agreement he had with Hana to everyone present.

"We will have to supply them with whatever resources which originate from our waters once a week when the Mistress asked for it; no questions asked."

"All experts which had received the benevolence of Mistress Hana could be dispatched by her during times of need if they were idling with no clan-related tasks at hand."

"From this moment, all Azure Spirit Pearls harvested needed to be sent to the Mistress when the moon turns once unless she stated otherwise."

"The clan will owe her three favors in the future."

By the time Elder Watershade told all the compensation he had agreed with Hana, everyone in the hall had turned extremely pale. D*mn, the price was too steep!

Elder Watershade cleared his throat and smiled bitterly. "I'm not done yet."

"In return, we could send as many experts we want. But the catch is, they must be from the younger generation with good aptitude; the lower the cultivation, the better. When she asked for a test subject, anyone of you can put forth a candidate and wait for your turn."

"Once, the Mistress had finalized her findings, she had promised to help two clan Elders to achieve breakthrough! That will depend on who she favors most."

The eyes of all the elders brightened up with the last statement! Each one of the simple-minded elders vowed that he himself would be one of the favored ones. All negative thoughts finally perished. Who wouldn't want a breakthrough? Especially these old ones who were already at a very high level. The bottlenecks were especially tough! Each one of them had persisted for tens of years or even hundreds of years but to no avail. When such an opportunity came rolling, it was almost a sin not to grab it!

... <>

The talk with Ara's elder was so long, it took the whole night. However, Hana was satisfied with the outcome. Surprisingly, there was someone who was at par as her in haggling. She had been called as the Queen of Haggler in the night markets by some of the fruit selling uncles. Her respect for the silver catfish had increased a notch higher. She wondered why Ara didn't become as prudent. Was she neglected during her upbringing since the elder was so busy managing the clan? It might be so.

As her mind wandered around, her hands were working hard. She was on all fours, pressing ping pong sized pearls into the cave floor with her own strength! Surprisingly it wasn't that laborious like her imagination. The ground wasn't that hard at all. Around her, a quarter of the cave floor was already embedded with the spirit pearls! The aunty used the pearls as super expensive tiles! After all, she was currently a stinking rich housewife, why not splurge a little! Next month, a new batch will arrive too. Like this, even when there was no fire, the cave would still have a soft light.

She envisioned a fully embedded pearls covering the floor and the walls of her sojourn. It'll be oh so lovely!
